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Continuity of traction vector

I am looking for a source which has a good explanation of the pill box argument to prove continuity of the traction vector. If you know of such a source (url, book etc) please let me know.



Indentation Stress and Displacement Fields

Ahmad Rafsanjani's picture

Writing User Subroutines with ABAQUS

Dear All,

I think that many students are looking for some tutorials about writing a UMAT in ABAQUS.

You can find a comprehensive tutorial for elastic problems.

This file contains:

• Motivation

• Steps Required in Writing a UMAT or VUMAT

• UMAT Interface


Example 1: UMAT for Isotropic Isothermal Elasticity

Example 2: UMAT for Non-Isothermal Elasticity

sanlintun's picture

A Treatise On Mathematical Theory Of Elasticity

An old book of elasticity with excellent and precise theoretical explanations. It is still valuable and inspiring book in elasticity up to now.

Download Link:

hiader k. mahbes's picture

Plasticity and elasticity questions

Dear AllI has question about these stresses.1.Are deviatoric stress generate plastic deformation?2. Are hydrostatic stress generate plastic deformation?3.What is the advantage of transferring strain tenser orientation to the principle coordinate axes?4. What is the difference between rupture and fracture stress?

Announcing free version of Kalker's rolling contact model

Dear all,

Herewith I would like to announce that we have decided to make our CONTACT software publicly available. You can obtain a free copy at the We hope that the software is beneficial to you. We further hope that you give us helpful feedback in return.

Konstantin Volokh's picture

Journal Club Theme of September 2009: Elasticity and Failure

Let us consider interaction of two atoms/molecules/particles. The reference distance between them corresponds to zero interaction force and zero stored energy. The interaction passes three stages with the increase of the distance. At the first stage the force increases proportionally to the increasing distance: the linear stage. At the second stage the force-distance relationship deviates from the linear proportionality: the nonlinear stage. At the third stage the force drops with the increasing distance: the separation or failure stage.

Volume integration in mehsless methods


I use the meshless Galerkin method for 3D simulation of plate movement. This method requires the volume integration over a test domain. Could somebody help me with the volume integration? I wonder if there are standard or open source algorithms that can be used for this problem.

I would appriciate any help.

Bending and 2D Elasticity: Going Back in Time

The following is a (relatively minor) question which had occurred to me more than two decades ago. By now I have forgotten precisely when it was... It could have been when I was in my TE (third year engineering) at COEP. ... Or, perhaps, it was later on, when I as at IIT Madras (studying stress analysis on my own). ... I don't remember precisely when it occurred to me, only *how* it did---it was when I was poring over the first part of Dieter's book.

ABAQUS_Heat Genration


i like to run this Job.

would you please help me.


Christophe.Eloy's picture

ABSTRACT SUBMISSION: Fluid and Elasticity 2009, 23-26 June 2009, France

Dear Colleagues,

conference "Fluid and Elasticity 2009" is approaching.


To submit your abstract, please follow the instructions on:

John M. Kolinski's picture

Description for ABAQUS Assignment

For my semester project, I will investigate equilibrium geometries of ripples in an elastic sheet. In order to do so, I will need to learn how to study out of plane bending of a thin membrane with ABAQUS. The project can be divided into the following stages:

1.设置membrane geometry model in ABAQUS

2. Apply relevant boundary conditions and tractions

3. Set up the job

4. Run the job, and post-process

How to analyze a short arc using elastic mechanics?

Hello, everyone, I am a freshman here, and I am very happy to find this place as a mechanics student. Hope to communicate with everyone here.

I am studying a hole effected by surface effect. I want to know how to analyze the stress on a short arc.

If you know about it, and you are willing to share it with me, I will be very grateful about it!

Post-doct position : Isogeometry-based analysis and design


INRIA (the French national institute for research in computer science and control) has currently eight centres, and the Opale Project-Team is primarily located in the Sophia Antipolis Centre, near the city of Antibes. Our research focuses on functional and numerical analysis, and numerical simulation, with a special emphasis on optimization in science and engineering (compressible aerodynamics, electromagnetics, structural design, etc) with strong links with industry.

arash_yavari's picture

Balance Laws in Continua with Microstructure

This paper revisits continua with microstructure from a geometric point of view. We model a structured continuum as a triplet of Riemannian manifolds: a material manifold, the ambient space manifold of material particles and a director field manifold. Green-Naghdi-Rivlin theorem and its extensions for structured continua are critically reviewed.

Steffen Brinckmann's picture

Elastic deformation of substrate due to rotation of rigid pillar

考虑一个弹性substra的ridig支柱te. Applying a moment to the pillar will lead to elastic deformation of the substrate. If the pillar is infinitly large in diameter, then this problem is the same as an infinitely sharp crack, considering the symmetry of the crack problem, i.e. there are square root singularities. However, the infinitly large diameter assumtion does not hold if the global rotation of the substrate under the pillar is of interest, because the both sides of the pillar interact.

Cai Wei's picture

Lecture notes on "Elasticity" and "Statistical Mechanics"

The lecture notes of the two courses I taught at Stanford University during the last two quarters, "ME 340 Elasticity" and "ME 334 Introduction to Statistical Mechanics", are available in PDF format online at:

Perhaps it could be useful to you.

arash_yavari's picture

Energy Balance Invariance for Interacting Particle Systems

This paper studies the invariance of balance of
energy for a system of interacting particles under groups of
transformations. Balance of energy and its invariance is first
examined in Euclidean space. Unlike the case of continuous media,
it is shown that conservation and balance laws do not follow
from the assumption of invariance of balance of energy under
time-dependent isometries of the ambient space. However, the
postulate of invariance of balance of energy under arbitrary
diffeomorphisms of the ambient (Euclidean) space, does yield

Elastic solution for a hole in an infinite space

Dear All,

一个弹性半空间接受的解决方案any generalized load may be seen as the solution of anotherelastic problem, that is elastic space with an infinite length hole when the hole radius goes to infinite.

Is there a "general" solution for thatelastic problem? For general I mean a solution that can be used e.g. like a kernel in a convolution operation.

Ji Wang's picture

Professor Y. C. Fung is the recipient of the Fritz J. and Dolores H. Russ Prize of 2007

Professor Y. C. Fung, Professor Emeritus of Bioengineering at UC San Diego's Jacobs School of Engineering, is the recipient of the Fritz J. and Dolores H. Russ Prize of 2007.

The Russ Prize is presented biannually to an outstanding candidate in the field of bioengineering who has made significant contributions to improving the human condition through research, development, teaching, or management. The recipient receives a $500,000 cash award and an engraved gold medallion.

velocity potential for a rate formulation

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I have a question making me no sleep. In the elastic theory we have a separable Lagrangian L = T(v) + W(u) since we can write the internal elastic energy as a function of displacements. What happens if we use a rate form for the strain and the stress? Can we write the potential energy in terms of just velocities? If that is the case the stationary path of the Lagrangian reduces to:

d/dt (dT/dv - dW/dv) = 0

ErwanVerron's picture

Comparison of hyperelastic models for rubberlike materials

Dear all,

Infinity asked me for posting more information about one of our papers. It was published in 2006 in Rubber Chemistry and Technology and proposes a comparison and a ranking of 20 different hyperelastic constitutive models for rubber (from the Mooney model (1940) to the micro-sphere model (2004)) in the incompressible case.

Marckmann G. et Verron E., Comparison of hyperelastic models for rubberlike materials,Rubber Chemistry and Technology,79(5), 835-858, 2006.


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