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Analysis problem on ansys 14.5

I am a student using ansys for solve problems but i have a problem "how to find at which force value the component will be fail". A ball has to pass through a cone and i am intrested to know that force value at which boll will be pass through cone nerrow section while boll diameter is large than small dia of cone.

Plz help me anyone ansys masters

Thanks dear frnd & sir...


I just was wondeing what is the physical meaning of K (bulk modulus) going to zero? does anyone know any materials with very small bulk modulus?

ASME-AMD Summer Meeting 2013: Dynamic Stability of Structural Systems

Dear Colleague:

The 2013 summer meeting of ASME Applied Mechanics Division will be held jointly with the Society of Engineering Science at Brown University, Providence, RI, July 28-31. We are pleased to invite you to a session on Dynamic Stability of Structural Systems, under the symposium on Instability in Solids and Structures that is being organized by the AMD Technical Committee.

Zhigang Suo's picture

Elasticity of rubber-like materials

In the notes on thegeneral theory of finite deformation, we have left the free energy function unspecified. The notes here describe free energy function commonly used to describe the elasticity of rubber-like materials. These notes are part of acourse on advanced elasticity

Andrew Bunger's picture

Senior Research Scientist in hydraulic fracturing/geomechanics


CSIRO division of Earth Science and Resource Engineering is seeking a Senior Research Scientist in hydraulic fracturing/geomechanics. The position is located in Melbourne, Australia and the successful candidate will play a leading role in a world class hydraulic fracturing laboratory facility and in a hydraulic fracturing research team that integrates modelling with experimentation at laboratory and field scales.

zichen's picture

Nonlinear geometric effects in mechanical bistable morphing structures

Bistable structures, exemplified
by the Venus flytrap and slap bracelets, can switch between different
functional shapes upon actuation, and have important applications in
mechanical/electro-mechanical devices ranging from bio-inspired robots to
deployable aeroplane wings. Despite numerous efforts in modeling such large
deformation of shell structures, the roles of mechanical and nonlinear geometric
effects on bistability remains elusive. Closely related, emerging challenges
include modeling the spontaneous curving and buckling of thin objects such as

Kmomeni's picture

Nanocomposite Electrical Generators....

A nanocomposite electrical generator composed of an array of zinc oxide nanowires is considered.
The electric potential distribution along zinc oxide nanowires is modeled using continuum
mechanics and Maxwell’s equations for the case of axial loading. A perturbation technique is used
for decoupling the constitutive equations. The governing differential equations are solved using a
finite difference method. It is shown that a gradient of electric potential exists along the axis of the
zinc oxide nanowires. Maximum and minimum values of electric potential exist at the extreme ends
along the nanowire length and have opposite signs. The positive and negative voltages are separated

Poroelastic problems

Hi everybody. My name is Alexander Lyapin. I am a second year postgraduate student of Southern Federal University, Russia, Rostov-on-Don, and I am working in the field of poroelasticity. The topic of my future dissertation is "Dynamic problems of poroelastic enviroments". The main problems in my dissertation are fundamental solutions and enviroments with cavities of common arbitary shape. I use different methods such as boundary integral equations method Fourie transformation method and some other.

Yong Zhu's picture

Size effects on elasticity, yielding, and fracture of silver nanowires

本文报告的定量测定a full spectrum of mechanical properties of fivefold twinned silver (Ag) nanowires (NWs), including Young’s modulus, yield strength, and ultimate tensile strength. In-situ tensile testing of Ag NWs with diameters between 34 and 130 nm was carried out inside a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Young’s modulus, yield strength, and ultimate tensile strength all increased as the NW diameter decreased.

Oden Warren's picture

EXTENDED ABSTRACT SUBMISSION: Nanobrücken II: A Nanomechanical Testing Workshop, March 22-23, 2012, INM Saarbrücken, Germany

Dear Colleague:

You are cordially invited to attendNanobrücken II: A Nanomechanical Testing Workshop, jointly presented by INM - Leibniz Institute for New Materials and Hysitron, Inc., with co-sponsorship from the JEOL company. This is the second workshop in the Nanobrücken series.The workshop's scope has been broadened, and the abstract submission deadline is now February 19, 2012.

Deflection of elastic ring

Hello Everybody, this is my first post here.

benramster's picture

Read Dr Marcin Kaminski's Sept Editorial for Proceedings-of-ICE journal for free here.

Read Dr Marcin Kaminski's (TechnicalUniversity
of Lodz)
September 2011 Editorial for ICE-journal Engineering and Computational Mechanicsfor free here.

Viscoelastic RVE for CNT Composites


I am Mohammad Aramfard senior student of mechanical engineering and I joined this
great forum yesterday, so I am not very familiar with regulations and rules.Laughing

I am working on modeling CNT composites using cylindrical RVE and I found up to
now that there isn`t a viscoelastic RVE for representing behavior of these

New Generation CAE system for framed structures

Dear Colleagues,

I would be glad to present symbolic-numeric CAE system for frame structures analysis.

It will be available soon as Preview version for enthusiasts

The main features are:

Amit Acharya's picture

Professor Donald E. Carlson

It is with great sadness that I report the passing away of Prof. Don Carlson. The link below describes his life and work.

Amir Naeiji's picture

Beam Equation

How can we derive dynamic beam equation from navier equation in elastodynamic? I tried with the displacement vector field:




and put it in navier equation, but it does not work.


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