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On the Effective Dynamic Mass of Mechanical Lattices with Microstructure

arash_yavari's picture

We present a general formalism for the analysis of mechanical lattices with microstructure using the concept of effective dynamic mass. We first revisit a classical case of microstructure being modeled by a spring-interconnected mass-in-mass cell. The frequency-dependent effective dynamic mass of the cell is the sum of a static mass and of an added mass, in analogy to that of a swimmer in a fluid. The effective dynamic mass is derived using three different methods: momentum equivalence, dynamic condensation, and action equivalence. These methods are generalized to mechanical systems with arbitrary microstructure. As an application, we calculate the effective dynamic mass of a 1D composite lattice with microstructure modeled by a chiral spring-interconnected mass-in-mass cell. A reduced (condensed) model of the full lattice is then obtained by lumping the microstructure into a single effective dynamic mass. A dynamic Bloch analysis is then performed using both the full and reduced lattice models, which give the same spectral results. In particular, the frequency bands follow from the full lattice model by solving a linear eigenvalue problem, or from the reduced lattice model by solving a smaller nonlinear eigenvalue problem. The range of frequencies of negative effective dynamic mass falls within the bandgaps of the lattice. Localized modes due to defects in the microstructure have frequencies within the bandgaps, inside the negative-mass range. Defects of the outer, or macro stiffness yield localized modes within each bandgap, but outside the negative-mass range. The proposed formalism can be applied to study the odd properties of coupled micro-macro systems, e.g., active matter.

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