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Some weekend reading

Terence Tao (one of the Fields Medal winners this year) has started blogging. He has a detailed discussion on the Navier-Stokes equationshere. It's long but definitely worth reading - particularly because of the wide range of ideas that he talks about.

Pradeep Sharma's picture

J-club Editor: Election versus Appointment?

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As many of you know, last year we had a lively debate prior to the launch of the j-club regarding the rules and regulations governing the functioning of the j-club. This continued in a more low-key fashion this year. One of the more important topics under discussion has been the selection of the future editors (which is to be done each year). I, and perhaps a few other people, had reasoned that the editor should be elected by popular vote. It was proposed that candidates will either self-nominate themselves or be nominated by other mechanicians.

Zhigang Suo's picture

Education in China and in America

The New York Times Magazine this weekendfeatured来自中国的哈佛本科生,他r work to shake up education in China. The article is long, but if you grew up in China, it should be a quick read, and fun. If you grew up in US or Europe, perhaps this is a helpful read, just to learn how other people live.

Great place to begin with

First post on here so I would like to thank whoever it is that has madem.limpotrade.compossible. I have tried the editorand find it very instinctive, certainly easy and above all functional. Again my thanks go to those who have made it possible.

As somebody who has invested both time and money in this concept I am very pleased to see it gaining momentum and it is very helpful when a site such as this becomes available to the general public. Well all I can wish for upcoming users is that may all you have website of your own soon. I designed mine, hopefully all ofnet bees here get a step better ,may we shall have a very healthy discussion on this plateform.

Hopefully the site can receive some good exposure over the coming weeks, months as thescenario here gathers pace. Good luck and good fortune to everyone.

MichelleLOyen's picture

Making iMechanica a better global forum

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我t wasrecently pointed outthat much of the technical literature is inaccessible to the English speaking world, having been published in other languages such as Russian or Chinese. At the moment iMechanica is primarily an English-language website and we are therefore potentially limiting the discussion based on language.

Teng Li's picture

The future role of iMechanica

Since iMechanica went official on 9 September 2006, its growth has always been accelerating. As of 22 February 2007, the total number of hits on iMechanica reaches 1,000,000+, iMechanica has 1252 registered users, 908 posts and 1308 comments.

Zhigang Suo's picture

Journal publishers are pioneers of Web 2.0

Eric Mockensturmhas just posted a publication agreement proposed by provosts of several universities. In structuring iMechanica, we have tried to avoid the question of open access, and simply asked the questionwhat if all papers are already openly accessible. Many mechanicians have discovered iMechanica, and theregistered users have recently passed 1000. Recentdiscussions of copyrighton iMechanica have prompted Eric to post his entry, which has just led to this one.

ericmock's picture


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As a member of Penn State's Faculty Senate Committee on Research (SCoR), the attached document was presented to us for endorsement. This comes from the CIC (basically the BigTen plus UChicago) provosts. I have seen a few posts in various threads concerning publishing and copyright issues so I thought I would see how y'all feel about it. In brief, the document encourages authors to think when signing that copyright transfer form. The members of SCoR obviously span a very wide range of disciplines and were generally agreeable to endorsing the document.

George G Adams's picture

Welcome to Contact Mechanics Forum

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Welcome to a new forum on iMechanica which is specifically designed as a "Contact Mechanics Forum". You do not need to register to view the postings on this forum, but you must register (it's free) in order to post something. The posting can be an idea, an announcement of an upcoming conference, an announcement of a journal article (see node/265), the pdf of the manuscript form of the paper can be posted in many cases (see a list of journals which permit it), or almost anything related to contact mechanics.

Zhigang Suo's picture

Flip test: imagine continuum mechanics as a revolutionary idea

Let's say the world has only e-books, then someone introduces this technology called 'paper.' It's cheap, portable, lasts essentially forever, and requires no batteries. You can't write over it once it's been written on, but you buy moreverycheaply. Wouldn't that technology come to dominate the market?

Pradeep Sharma's picture

我s rest of the world catching up with us? Perspective from Physical Review Letters...

我had posted this on the amd blog...I am posting it here as well:

Last year I attended the annual American Physical Society conference held in Baltimore (during the week of March 13th). One of the non-technical sessions included presentations by the APS journal editors--Physical Review A/B/C/D/E and Letters---and a panel discussion related to these journals. Since many of our mechanics and materials colleagues nowadays are interested in publishing in these journals, I thought I should post a link to some of the slides(from the editors presentation) that I found interesting. Many of the slides presented at APS are in thelinked pdf filethat also includes additional (humorous slides!) regarding reviewer issues.

While all types of content are valuable, with limited time, you may value one type more than others. Which one? Login and vote

research papers
23% (39 votes)
lecture notes
3.1% (53 votes)
forum discussions
25% (42 votes)
biographical sketches of mechanicians
4% (7 votes)
opinions concerning our field
8% (13 votes)
mechanics problems in industries
8% (13 votes)
Others. Please explain by writing a comment below
1% (2 votes)
Total votes: 169
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Operating Notes for the iMechanica Journal Club

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Guided bya thread that proposed the Journal Club, we evolve these operating notes. These notes are a work in progress, and will evolve as the iMechanica community and the Web technology evolve. Everymoderatorandarchitectcan edit these notes. Every user can see the editinghistory. As always, every registered user can make suggestions by leaving comments.

A Model for Superplasticity not Controlled By Grain Boundary Sliding

我t is commonly assumed that grain boundary sliding can control plastic deformation in fine grained crystalline solids. Superplasticity is often considered to be controlled by grain boundary sliding, for example. I have never accepted that view, though my own opinion is very much at odds with the commonly accepted picture. When I was asked to write a paper in honor of Professor F.R.N. Nabarro's 90th birthday (Prof.

Zhigang Suo's picture

What Is Mechanics?

So, What is Mechanics? It seems that useful answers ought to depend on who you are talking to. If you are persuading your dean to hire a new faculty member in Mechanics, perhaps you’d like to point out promising research in one area or another, and how foundational mechanics is to the education of future scientists and technologists in (almost) all fields.

Finding more engineering and mechanics forums

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我am actually an Internet Marketer (and only have the pleasure of being involved with your forum through my affiliation with one of this forum's founders.) I find that many of my customers are in engineering, and I look far and wide for forums and blogs on their specific topics. Robotics, extrusion, and atomization are three of the areas where I look for forums/blogs but I almost never find any. Any suggestions?

Zhigang Suo's picture

We Are Mechanicians

我n early days ofApplied Mechanics News, I encountered a practical problem. How do we call ourselves? I began with a phrase "people in the international community of applied mechanics". The phrase is inclusive and descriptive, but is too long, too timid and too clumsy. It is like calling entropy "the logarithm of the number of quantum states". I have also heard the phrase "mechanics people", which I don't like either. It sounds too folksy, like calling a gynecologist a women's doctor.

Teng Li's picture

The Future of Cell Phone?

Here is one answer from Nokia.

Nokia 888 communicator, a concept design which recently won the Nokia's Benelux Design Award. It uses liquid battery, flexible touch display, speech recognition, touch sensitive body cover which lets it understand and adjust to the environment. It has a simple programmable body mechanism so that it changes forms in different situations. Don't forget to enjoy avideo demoof this cell phone of future.
Yet one more future application offlexible electronics, it's clear there're greatmechanics and materials challengesin making electronic devices flexible. It will be great mechanicians can help accelerate the advance of this emerging technology.

Roberto Ballarini's picture

Are notes and textbooks a higher priority than journal clubs?

我registered for iMechanica a few days ago, and found many postings instructive. Here is my first blog entry.

今天的话题被研究的机械万博体育平台very difficult (what I often call "dirty problems"). In fact, often the mechanical theories (actually coupled mechanics, biology, chemistry) required to gain improved understanding are still in their infancy. Mechanicians that have entered fields such as mechanics of biological structures have gotten up to speed by paying the price (hopefully an enjoyable time on a learning curve) of reading large numbers of papers and discipline-based books. Many of these papers are cryptic and, while they may be of high scientific quality, they do not have significant pedagogical value to those entering the field (graduate students for example).

MichelleLOyen's picture

Thoughts on Integration of Biomechanics and Applied Mechanics

Biomechanics is a reasonably well-developed field of study, with a modern history usually linked to the pioneering work of Prof. Y.C. Fung in the 1960s. There are a number of dedicated biomechanics journals (including but not limited to the Journal of Biomechanics and the Journal of Biomechanical Engineering). The field is well-enough established to have several generations of researchers working on the subject at universities across the world.

Want papers published, proposals granted and to be a good reviewer? Here is the key --- "Ten Simple Rules" series.

Getting papers published and getting proposals granted are often great challeges for young researchers, let alone being a good reviewer. The "Ten Simple Rules" series by P.E. Bourne, L.M. Chalupa, and A. Korngreen delineate what we should follow.

More details about writing a good paper and proposal were also given by G. M. Whitesides ("writing a paper”)d M.F. Ashby ("how to write a paper").

Martijn Feron's picture

Web journals threaten peer-review system

The peer review system has been the established way to select publicated research for decades. However, this way of publishing may come to an end.

New developments in this field embrace the idea that research should not be restricted by the iron grip of the journals. The value of the authors work is debated in cyberspace, leading to a number of consequences. Disadvantages include the possibility of a deluge of junk science due to the unfiltered publishing and online abuse concerning unfairly ridiculing rival's work. On the other side scientific discovery could be accelerated and online critiques may help detect mistakes or fraud more quickly.

Already the first initiatives are present,Philica,PLoS(Public Library of Science). Online journals are not boomingly popular, as they have attracted little attention so far. However, possibilities regarding reaching a broad audience in a fast way seem promising...

Zhigang Suo's picture

7 reasons to post your original ideas in iMechanica

1. iMechanica is free for all to use.iMechanica is hosted on a server at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, of Harvard University, and is managed bya team of volunteers-- mechanicians just like you. You pay nothing to post, and readers pay nothing to read. The limit of each upload file is 50MB, and each user is given 1GB server space.

Pradeep Sharma's picture

Journal Club: Response/Feedback requested

Hello everyone,

我had previously posted this entry on the AMD blog and perhaps it worthwhile to post it again on this forum. I would like to solicit feedback and comments on an idea to further enhance the role and utility of iMechanica.

This inspiration comes from Bell labs and the physics community.....

They started a journal club (year 2003). Each month ONLY 2-3 already published recent journal papers are reviewed and commentary posted in the form of anewsletter. Since only 2-3 papers are reviewed, the selection is much more stringent and careful. The contribution is regular and periodic (monthly). Hence, this newsletter is taken seriously by physicists.

在我们的例子中,在iMechanica可以做到这一点。万博manbetx平台我suspect we could achieve the same kind of interest if we restrict "notable" papers to 1-3 per month and make it a regular monthly feature. In principle anyone could submit a commentary but the blog moderators will select the top 2-3.

The operational rules are open for discussion. Briefly though, I am thinking on the lines of rotating 1-2 moderators with a term of say 2 months. The moderator will receive commentaries on recently published papers RELATED to mechanics area. The moderator will highlight 1-3 notable commentaries in the journal club newsletter. A key requirement must be that the commentaries/paper highlighted are related to mechanics in some form or the other. The concept of rotating moderator is to provide breadth and prevent bias of any one individual. Rotation of journal club moderators will also keep the "work-load" well distributed.

Zhigang Suo's picture

The long tail of papers

(Initially posted in Applied Mechanics News on25 July 2006)

我n an entry onpay per paper, I alluded to Chris Anderson's new book,The Long Tail. It should be straightforward to collect page views or down loads or citations of individual papers in a journal. You can plot the numbers of hits of individual papers against the rankings of the papers. Here is thecurve for articles in Slate. (Not sure why data stopped at top 500 hits. Why not go further to see a really long tail?) Hope someone in Applied Mechanics will show the same data for JMPS, IJSS, MOM, etc. It will be fun.

Here is the gist of Anderson's observation: If you care about the total sale, as a publisher might, then what matters is the area under the curve; the contribution of the tail may rival that of the head. This much is objective, and should not be controversial.

Now allow me to play a variation of the theme, which is admittedly subjective and possibly controversial. Let's say the net contribution of a journal to new knowledge is proportional to the area under the curve (the subjective part). Then numerous less cited papers may make a significant contribution comparable to the contribution made by the best cited papers.

我f you are interested in this argument, you might as well generalize the analysis from a single journal to all journals in a field, or to all journals in science, engineering and medicine. I'm not sure if such a curve has ever been plotted, but the job should not be too hard.

Now, if you are an individual author, surely you'd like to have a lot of hits for your own papers, just as Anderson is celebrating his book becoming a best seller. However, if your job is to increase the total knowledge, as the NSF is set up to do, then you might as well pay as much attention to the long tail as to the tall head.


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