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Ravi-Chandar's picture

Grand Challenges For Engineering

The US National Academy of Engineering has published a list of Grand Challenges for Engineering. Ths US National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics is interested in developing a discussion on the implications of these Grand Challenges to the Mechanics community.

Mike Ciavarella's picture

are there platforms similar to iMechanica? should we list them all?

I think it would be useful to collect a list of most useful sites, to start with iMechanica-look-alike. Not exactly similar but a good site for CFD is This incidentally suggests us some "ways" to improve iMechanica. (see my other blog PROPOSAL for iMechanicanode/2996)

Mike Ciavarella's picture


Hello imechanica users: I launch a few ideas. Can we improve imechanica stealing ideas from successful web systems like google, amazon, wikipedia, myspace, youtube? Taking the best of the various worlds to improve our imechanica?

Roozbeh Sanaei's picture

Why No New Einstein?!

My research topic is too different from string theory!. but i think this not so old opinion of Proff. Lee Smolin about world research system weaknesses is very beneficial to read. and have convincing arguments in neccessity of changes in this system. Read this. it is not related to string theory,

Roozbeh Sanaei, Cellular and molecular bioengineering, Bioengineering department, National university of singapore

Grand challenges for engineering in the 21st century, and how they relate to mechanics

After making a list of thegreat engineering achievements of the 20th century, the National Academy of Engineering, of the United States, has recently described a list of the grand challenges for engineering in the 21st century (of no particular order):

How about "Rejecta Mechanica"?

A friend just forwarded me the following link:



Rejecta Mathematica is a new, open access, online journal that publishes only papers that have been rejected from peer-reviewed journals (or conferences with comparable review standards) in the mathematical sciences. We are currently seeking submissions for our inaugural issue.
About Rejecta Mathematica

My new blog!

This is the first scientific blog for me in English though I have had three others in Chinese. I hope it's a significant beginning for my new scientific stage! Communication with top scientists and openning my view are both important issues for me in future. To be a useful scientific dog is to do some innovational things!

Teng Li's picture

iMechanica: 5000 registered users, 9.5 million web hits

Launched on 9 September 2006, iMechanica is the web of mechanics and mechanicians. The mission of iMechanica is twofold:

Amit Acharya's picture

Science, as some see it...

I came across some content I used to have on my webpage a long time ago.

Hopefully it is inspirational for that bright, young, graduate student waiting in the wings to usher in the revolution that shows us how to solve some of the outstanding theoretical problems of solid mechanics that we seem to put off e.g. concrete, quantitative methods for calculating time-dependent microstructure in plasticity and its effect on time-dependent macroscopic properties.....

MichelleLOyen's picture

The leaky pipeline

A new report has been published on the "leaky pipeline" question:

A persistent problem. Traditional gender roles hold back female scientists

Joseph X. Zhou's picture

The story behind the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem

When I came to the institute, my collaborator Kay invited me for a dinner in the new town together with his friend Thilo and other guys. The city is wisely divided into two functioning areas, old town and new town. All the ancient buildings like King’s summer palace, women’s church and opera house are in the old town; while the restaurants, bars and other modern buildings are in the new town. Each is in harmony with its environment and cultural atmosphere.

Zhigang Suo's picture

The number of registered users of iMechanica reaches 4000

Launched on September 11, 2006, iMechanica is the web of mechanics and mechanicians. The mission of iMechanica is twofold:

Teng Li's picture

The Future of Conference

Attending conferences is one of the essential professional activities for scientific researchers. Conferences take various forms, such as community-wide meetings (e.g., MRS meetings, ASME congress, APS meetings), and topic-focused meetings/workshops (e.g., Plasticity07, Gordon Research Conferences(GRC)). While people have different preferences on the types of conference to attend (e.g., see a recentiMech pollinitiated byBiswajit Banerjee), here are some common positive driving forces to motivate one to attend a conference:

Introduction to Systems Biology

How does the cell know when to produce a protein? Why does it produce this protein? How does it produce this protein so accurately, in transcription, timing, and concentration? It is amazing that the cell functions as precisely as it needs to in response to various stimuli. What is more amazing is that the cell's actions are a result of stochastic processes.

Kejie Zhao's picture

Question: Is the local energy dictating dislocation emission constant for single crystal?

Hi everyone, in my size dependence study, I find the local energy dictating dislocation emission is almost constant for varied sized samples, in given directions of single crystal. I don't know this is an interesing finding, or just a common sense. Will you give me some suggestion, Thank you!


L. Roy Xu's picture

Power of iMechanica during job hunting

In July 2007, my friend of a consulting company contacted me for recruiting a computational mechanics engineer. I told him that all my graduate students found jobs, and there are not many mechanics students in our small department. So, I posted his ad at iMechanica. Only after one week, he asked me to withdraw this ad! Why?

Because many high-qualified applicants contacted him in one week and, he’d give the offer right away.I believe this example is an index of active user groups of iMechanica.

yoursdhruly's picture

iMechanica Poster

I created this one page poster for publicizing iMechanica, primarily in schools among students, where I think a lot of students are unaware of iMechanica. I hope I am not infringing on any copyright rules or negatively impacting iMechanica's image and sensitivities. Would it be okay to print this out and post it on notice boards in school? Also, please let me know if I can improve on the design or add/remove any components. I will resubmit the final version as a pdf for student volunteers to print (if it is acceptable).

Thanks for your time,


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