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saberelarem's picture

Full-scale dynamic response of an RC building under weak seismic motions using earthquake recordings, ambient vibrations and mod

In countries with a moderate seismic hazard, the classical methods
developed for strong motion prone countries to estimate the seismic
behaviour and subsequent vulnerability of existing buildings are often
inadequate and not financially realistic. The main goals of this paper
are to show how the modal analysis can contribute to the understanding
of the seismic building response and the good relevancy of a modal model
based on ambient vibrations for estimating the structural deformation
under weak earthquakes. We describe the application of an enhanced modal
analysis technique (frequency domain decomposition) to process ambient
vibration recordings taken at the Grenoble City Hall building (France).

Laurent Champaney's picture

Postdoctoral position in Paris (Numerical & Experimental Structural Mechanics)


Location: Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, LMT Cachan, South of Paris, France
Duration: 18 month
Starting date: Between March 2011 and September 2011
Scholarship: €2000/month


Rigid Body Dynamics. Need help.

I'm having problem with the following problem. The encircled portion of the figure is giving me trouble. I am getting confused on how to correlate it with reference frame oxyz. please help.

what is the significance of distance r for calculating angular velocity of the reference axis oxyz?

I need to find out the components of the absolute acceleration of O along ox,oy& oz.

as's picture

Two Ph.D. positions are open at the University of Brescia, Italy


在固体力学和结构the University of
Brescia is seeking two candidates for Ph.D. positions. The appointment
is starting on January 1st 2011, application deadline Sept. 15th 2010.

The research topics involve: computational dynamics of solids with
reference to ground motion simulation due to seismic input, multiscale
computational fracture mechanics and discrete dislocation mechanics.

ADINA: Automatic Dynamic Incremental Nonlinear Analysis

The ADINA Systemoffers comprehensive capabilities for linear and nonlinear finite element analysis of solids & structures, CFD, fluid-structure interactions, multiphysics, and complete pre- and post-processing with interfaces to various CAD and CAE systems. It also offers user subroutines for material models, elements, loads...

PhD scholarship in mechanical engineering at University of Seville, Spain


One PhD scholarship (only for European citizens), funded by the Spanish local government of Andalucia, is currently available in the Department of Structures and Construction at the University of Seville (Spain). The PhD position is associated to the Project “Partitioned formulations for dynamic and contact problems” withProfessor Ramon AbascalandProfessor Jose A. Gonzalez ( principal researchers.

Carl T. Herakovich's picture

Berger on Video Solutions for Teaching Mechanics

Professor Ed Berger, Univeristy of Virginia Mechanical Engineering, is featured in the Chronicle of Higher Education for his use of web technologies and, in particular, "video solutions" for teaching undergraduate mechanics courses. See contact Berger Ed hasn't used this approach for all undergraduate mechanics courses as yet, but the potential is there.

Emilio P. Calius's picture

Research Positions in Modeling of Solids and Structures


Please see attachment for details of Computational Mechanics researcher openings at Industrial Research (, a Crown Research Institute in beautiful New Zealand.

The role involves the application of advanced modeling and simulation methods to research on solids and structures, with an emphasis on complex systems such as composites and meta-materials, or solids with multiple defects and discontinuities.

The position is research oriented but also provides opportunities to consult with industry on commercial projects.

候选人专业知识理论和computation of elastic wave propagation, the mechanical behavior of composites, structural dynamics, or acoustics are encouraged to apply.

chau's picture

Dynamic Crack

I want to communicate with all members in this forum.


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rkannabattula's picture

Daniel Bernoulli

Danel Bernoulli, the most successful of all the Bernoulli's was born in Groningen, The Netherlands on 8th February in 1700. His fatherJohann Bernoulliwas working as professor of Mathematics at Groningen then. Later they moved to Basel, Switzerland which was their native place.

Daniel did his PhD in Medicine as Johann insisted him to do so. But, as Daniel was ver much interested in mathematics he was learning math while doing medicine. He also worked with another great mathematicianLeohnard Euler(who was a student of Johann Bernoulli in Basel) in St. Petersburg.

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Dynamics of wrinkle growth and coarsening in stressed thin films

Rui Huang and Se Hyuk Im, Physical Review E 74, 026214 (2006).

A stressed thin film on a soft substrate can develop complex wrinkle patterns. The onset of wrinkling and initial growth is well described by a linear perturbation analysis, and the equilibrium wrinkles can be analyzed using an energy approach. In between, the wrinkle pattern undergoes a coarsening process with a peculiar dynamics. By using a proper scaling and two-dimensional numerical simulations, this paper develops a quantitative understanding of the wrinkling dynamics from initial growth through coarsening till equilibrium. It is found that, during the initial growth, a stress-dependent wavelength is selected and the wrinkle amplitude grows exponentially over time. During coarsening, both the wrinkle wavelength and amplitude increases, following a simple scaling law under uniaxial compression. Slightly different dynamics is observed under equi-biaxial stresses, which starts with a faster coarsening rate before asymptotically approaching the same scaling under uniaxial stresses. At equilibrium, a parallel stripe pattern is obtained under uniaxial stresses and a labyrinth pattern under equi-biaxial stresses. Both have the same wavelength, independent of the initial stress. On the other hand, the wrinkle amplitude depends on the initial stress state, which is higher under an equi-biaxial stress than that under a uniaxial stress of the same magnitude.


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