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Lecturer Positions in Mechanics/Materials at Univ of Mich-Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ Joint Institute

Robert G. Parker's picture

Lecturers - University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute

The University of Michigan (UM) and Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) have established a Joint Institute (JI) in Shanghai with a commitment to build a world-class academic institution with educational and research missions. The UM-SJTU Joint Institute invites applications for lecturers in several disciplines. With its unique academic mission in China, the JI offers an extraordinary academic environment. The JI has been given a high degree of autonomy to model itself on world-class US universities. The students are among China’s best.

  • Math: Calculus, Linear Algebra, ODE/PDE, Engineering Mathematics, Numerical Methods, Discrete Mathematics, Statistics for Engineering
  • Physics: University Physics
  • Mechanical/Materials Engineering: Solid Mechanics, Statics, Dynamics,
    Engineering Materials, Design, Fluid Mechanics, Heat TransferElectrical Engineering: Circuits, Signal and System
  • Computer Engineering: Object Oriented Programming, Data Structure and Algorithm


  • Deliver up to 6 classes per academic year. Each class requires four lecture hours per week for 15 weeks.
  • Prepare and conduct classes; design homework and supervise examinations;
  • Guide TAs for recitation class and grading; Give help to students with difficulty;
  • Maintain a course website containing the teaching materials and information.


  • Ph.D. degree in related field
  • Related teaching experience preferred
  • Fluent English (native speaker preferred)

Application Materials: CV and a cover letter to support your suitability for university teaching

Salary range:
150,000-260,000 RMB/year based upon qualifications and experience.

Interested applicants should send required materials by email or express mail to: the cover letter, indicate the position for which you are applying.)
Mailing Address:
HR Office,UM-SJTU Joint Institute
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
800 Dong Chuan Road
Shanghai, 200240, P. R. China
(Please mark the position for which you are applying on the envelope.)

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