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Robert G. Parker's blog

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Faculty Positions-Univ. of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute


The University of Michigan-Shanghai
Jiao Tong University Joint Institute invites applications for tenure-track Assistant,
Associate, and Full Professor positions in all emerging fields related to mechanical
engineering and related disciplines. These positions are open to top caliber
applicants from around the world. In 2005, the University of Michigan and Shanghai
Jiao Tong University established the Joint Institute in Shanghai with a
commitment to build a world-class academic institution based on the US research
university model. With its unique academic mission and standing in China and collaborative
connection to UM and SJTU, the JI offers faculty extraordinary opportunities to

Robert G. Parker's picture

Lecturer positions at the Univ. of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. Joint Institute


The University of Michigan and Shanghai Jiao Tong University have established a Joint Institute in Shanghai committed to building a world-class academic institution with educational and research missions. The UM-SJTU Joint Institute invites applications for lecturers to support its mechanical and electrical/computer engineering programs. With its unique academic mission in China, the JI offers an extraordinary academic environment. The JI is modeled on world-class US universities. The students are among China’s best.

Robert G. Parker's picture

教师职位(助理、协会和教授)在Univ. of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. Joint Institute


The University of Michigan and Shanghai Jiao Tong University have established a Joint Institute in Shanghai with a commitment to build a world-class academic research and educational institution. The UM-SJTU Joint Institute invites applications for tenure-track (Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor) positions in all emerging fields of mechanical engineering and related disciplines. These positions are open to top caliber applicants from around the world.

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