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multiscale modeling

Dongare's picture

Two PhD positions in computational modeling of materials behavior in extreme environments

Two Graduate Research Assistantship
positions are currently available
in the Multiscale Materials Modeling
Group to support graduate study leading to aPhD in Materials Science
and Engineering at the University of Connecticut starting Spring/Fall 2013.

Dongare's picture

Two PhD positions in computational modeling of materials behavior in extreme environments


Two Graduate Research Assistantship
positions are currently available
in the Multiscale Materials Modeling
Group to support graduate study leading to aPhD in Materials Science
and Engineering at the University of Connecticut starting Spring/Fall 2013.

PhD Students/Post-doctoral Associates- North Carolina State University


Our group at North Carolina State University is hiring PhD students and Post-doctoral Associates in the areas of multiscale modeling, computational mechanics, fracture, and plasticity.

Interested parties should, and send a cv with a few representative publications.

MA Zikry

tadmor's picture

Multiscale Short Course in Aachen in August 2012

Dear Colleague:

An intensive 4-day short course on the fundamentals of continuum, atomistic and multiscale modeling of materials will be held at AICES in Aachen, Germany during August 14-17, 2012. The course will be taught by Profs. Ellad Tadmor and Ronald Miller. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Enrollment is limited so early registration is recommended. To register, visit

A.Tabarraei's picture

Ph.D. Positions in Computational Solid Mechanics


Fully funded Ph.D. positions are available in the Department
of Mechanical Engineering & Engineering Science at the University of North
Carolina at Charlotte. The research focus will be on developing andusing multiscale methods for modeling nanocomposites and nanomaterials. Candidates should have a BS or MS degree in
mechanical engineering, material science, civil engineering or other related
areas. Computational experience at the continuum or molecular level is
preferred but is not necessary. Interested
candidates please send a CV to

tadmor's picture

KIM seeking postdoc for NSF CI TraCS fellowship


Dear Colleague:

The Knowledgebase of Interatomic Models (KIM) project ( is seeking a postdoctoral candidate to sponsor for an NSF Fellowship for Transformative Computational Science using Cyber Infrastructure (CI TraCS). The successful candidate will work closely with the KIM PIs to develop a comprehensive and detailed CI TraCS proposal based on the needs and goals of the KIM project.

Applications are due by Monday, November 14, 2011.

Two PhD positions at JWI&BSRT Charite Berlin: Multiscale modeling of MMTs


The research laboratory for Quantitative Acoustic Microscopy and High
frequency spectroscopy of the Julius Wolff Institute &
Regenerativ Berlin-Brandenburg研究生院e Therapies, Campus
Virchow-Klinikum - Prof. Dr. Kay Raum – is opening the two Doctoral
Researcher (PhD) positions immediately.

We are looking for two motivated graduate students with excellent
academic performance and interest in conducting interdisciplinary

Position I

Position ID: DM.138.11

Project description

Amit Acharya's picture

Time-averaged coarse variables for multiscale dynamics

(to appear in Quarterly of Applied Mathematics)

by Marshall Slemrod and Amit Acharya

Given an autonomous system of Ordinary Diff erential Equations without an a priori split into slow and fast components, we defi ne a strategy for producing a large class of `slow' variables (constants of fast motion) in a precise sense. The equation of evolution of any such slow variable is deduced. The strategy is to rewrite our system on an in finite dimensional "history" Hilbert space X and defi ne our coarse observation as a functional on X.

Postdoctoral postion in multiscale computational mechanics at RPI


There is an immediate opening for a postdoctoral research position in the Advanced Computational Research Laboratory at RPI, Troy NY to work on Multiscale Computational Mechanics. Encouraged to apply are creative, self-motivated candidates with a sound background in computational mechanics. RPI is home to the CCNI, one of the most powerful university-based super-computational research facilities in the world.

Pablo Zavattieri's picture

PACAM XII: Minisymposium on “Multiscale modeling and simulation of complex materials and systems”. Call for abstracts

As part of the12th Pan American Congress of Applied Mechanics (PACAM XII)to be held in Port of Spain, Trinidad, from Jan. 2 to 6, 2012, it is our pleasure to invite you to submit an abstract to the Symposium “Multiscale modeling and simulation of complex materials and systems”.

keten's picture

Call for Abstracts: Symposium 3.2/5.6 - “Molecular to Macroscale Mechanics in Biology and Engineering” at SES

Call for Abstracts: Symposium 3.2/5.6

"Molecular to Macroscale Mechanics in Biology and Engineering"

48th Annual Technical Meeting of Society of Engineering Sciences (SES) October 12-14, 2011 at Northwestern University (Evanston, IL)

abaqus and modeling of woven fabric

Hi ppl,

I wud like to know is there any guide to model 2D or 3D woven fabric in abaqus...

plz let me no if u do...



cuitino's picture

Postdoctoral Position in Compuational Mechanics of Energetic Materials


A postdoctoral position is available in the area of multsicale modeling of energetic materials at Rutgers University working under the supervision of Prof. Cuitino. This is a multi-investigator project which will be supported partially by the federal grants. Candidates with a strong background in consittuvive modeling ofcoupled mechanical thermal chemicalphenomena,parallelfinite element andmultiscalemethods are highly encouraged to apply.

Javier LLorca's picture

Postdoctoral Researcher on Multiscale Modeling of Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Multifunctional Composites


The research group on ‘Structural Composites’ at IMDEA Materials seeks aResearch Associate(Postdoctoral Researcher) for a collaborative European Project in the area of Multiscale Modeling of Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Multifunctional Polymer Composites, The selected candidate will work under the supervision of the project leader to develop detailed multiscale modeling tools (micro and meso levels) to predict electrical conductivity and mechanical properties of CFRP composites reinforced with nanotubes/nanofibers.

Julien Yvonnet's picture

Faculty Positions in Computational Multiscale methods at University Paris-Est, France


The University Paris-Est Marne la Vallée, France, invites applications for two tenure-track faculty positions in multiscale computational mechanics, as assistant professor level, for September 2010 start date. The candidates will be hosted by the Laboratory of Multiscale Computational Mechanics (Laboratoire Modélisation et Simulation Multi Echelle, MSME UMR 8208 CNRS). Successful candidates are expected to teach at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and carry out a research program with potential collaborations at the European and International level.

Research Engineer Position in Computational Mechanics at KAUST


A research engineer position is available in the Composite and Heterogeneous Materials Modeling and Simulation Laboratory (COHMAS) at King Abdullah Univeristy of Science and Technology (KAUST).

This position will be mainly engaged in two kind of activities:

1) Act as the Lab manager from the computational and simulation side, and support students, post-docs and researchers in the group in developing applications and usinghigh performance computing facilities;

tadmor's picture

Expert programmer needed for atomistic project in Minnesota


Expert programmer needed for an exciting project at the University of Minnesota involving the establishment of an online infrastructure for the evaluation of the transferability of interatomic potentials used in atomistic and multiscale simulations. The project called KIM -- the Knowledgebase of Interatomic Models -- is funded through the NSF's Cyber-Enabled Discovery and Innovation (CDI) program. For more information see the attached PDF file. The position is available immediately.

jandrade's picture

Post-doctoral fellow position in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics @ Northwestern


我们现招聘博士后候选人toral Fellow position in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at Northwestern University. The successful candidate is expected to possess a Ph.D. in engineering or science and must have experience in the area of computational mechanics, broadly involving computational inelasticity, finite elements and continuum mechanics. Knowledge of discrete mechanics is desirable but not essential.


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