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Two PhD positions in computational modeling of materials behavior in extreme environments

Dongare's picture

Two Graduate Research Assistantship
positions are currently available
in the Multiscale Materials Modeling
Group to support graduate study leading to aPhD in Materials Science
and Engineering at the University of Connecticut starting Spring/Fall 2013.

The focus of the projects will be in the area ofmaterials behavior in extreme environments(shock loading, high strain rates, corrosion, radiation damage, etc.) using materials modeling methods across multiple scales (atomic-to-meso).Students will gain experience in the application of atomic scale modeling methods (molecular dynamics,Monte Carlo, density functioal theory, etc.) as well as development of multiscale modeling methods (concurrent, heirarchical) in these programs.

一个strong background in materials
science, mechanical engineering, physics, or a related discipline is
required. Previous experience with computational research is not
necessary, but strong motivation, sincere interest and creativity in
scientific research is required.

Interested students should email their CV to Prof. Dongare at dongare(at)

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