iMechanica - crashworthiness conferences // en Crash Test Bench https://万博manbetx平台

Hi I am working on the designing of a crash test bench to measure vehicle door intrusions ?

Could some one provide me basic ideas on the test bench set up and how to mout the door on the test rig and which degrees of freedom to lock ?.

Thu, 03 Dec 2015 12:36:53 +0000 adasgupta91 19202 at // https://万博manbetx平台 //
crashworthiness conferences? //


I could not find any information about International crashworthiness conferences. Anybody knows anything?where and when?

Thanks for any help.

Masoud Parsapour

Lecturer of Industrial Designing Department, KAR University


Fri, 22 Nov 2013 22:09:32 +0000 mehrdadparsapour 15682 at // // //