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Habilitation Defense

Koffi Enakoutsa's picture

After a decade of research, I am pleased to announce that I will defense my Habilitation on "Nonlocal Mechanics and Engineering Applications" at Sorbonne University in Paris (France) on September 3, 2019. The composition of the Jury Members of my defense is as follows:

Prof. David Steigmann (UC-Berkeley, Reviewer)

Prof. Jean-Michel Bergheau (Saint Etienne School of Mine, Reviewer)

Prof. Veronique Lazarus (Paris Tech, Reviewer)

Prof. Jean-Baptiste Leblond (Sorbonne University, Examiner)

Prof. Corrado Maurini (Sorbonne University, Examiner)

Dr. Emmanuel Baranger (ENS, Examiner)

Dr. Gilles Perrin (FRAMATOME, Examiner)

约翰·克劳福德先生(Karagozian &情况下,Guest)


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