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Mechanics in the quantum regime

A preliminary document on my fresh new approach to QM

Hello, World

Here is a document that jots down, in a brief, point-wise manner, the elements of my new approach to understanding quantum mechanics.

Please note that the writing is very much at a preliminary stage. It is very much a work in progress. However, it does jot down many essential ideas.

I am uploading the document at iMechanica just to have an externally verifiable time-stamp to it. Further versions will also be posted at this thread.

Quantum Stability of Metallic Thin Films and Nanostructures

When a metal system shrinks its dimension(s), the conduction electrons inside the metal feel the squeezing, and are forced into (discrete) quantum states. Such confined motion of the conduction electrons may influence the global or local stability of the low dimensional systems, and in the case of a thin film on a foreign substrate this "quantum energy" of electronic origin can easily overwhelm the strain effects in definging the film stability, thereby severely influencing the preferred growth mode (see, e.g., Suo and Zhang, Phys. Rev. B 58, 5116 (1998)).

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