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Oleg Kirillov's picture

The first experimental evidence of the Ziegler destabilization paradox

A “flutter machine” is introduced for the investigation of a singular interface between the classical and reversible Hopf bifurcations that is theoretically predicted to be generic in nonconservative reversible systems with vanishing dissipation. In particular, such a singular interface exists for the Pflüger viscoelastic column moving in a resistive medium, which is proven by means of the perturbation theory of multiple eigenvalues with the Jordan block.

Adrian S. J. Koh's picture

One Research Fellow (Post-Doctoral) Position open in Singapore

We are looking for a highly-motivated research
fellow to work in the area of applied mechanics and materials.

The project is on energy harvesting using soft active materials. This is a joint effort between the Institute of High Performance Computing (A*STAR), and the National
University of Singapore. The applicant
must hold a PhD degree, prior post-doctoral experience is not required. Relevant
experience in (1) experiments and/or (2) finite element modeling and simulation
is preferred.

Bo Li's picture

Temperature dependence of the dielectric constant of acrylic dielectric elastomer

The dielectric constant is an essential electrical parameter to the
achievable voltage-induced deformation of the dielectric
elastomer. This paper primarily focuses on the temperature
dependence of the dielectric constant (within the range of 173 K
to 373 K) for the most widely used acrylic dielectric
elastomer (VHB 4910). First the dielectric constant was investigated
experimentally with the broadband dielectric spectrometer
(BDS). Results showed that the dielectric constant first increased
with temperature up to a peak value and then dropped to a
relative small value. Then by analyzing the fitted curves, the Cole–Cole
dispersion equation was found better to characterize the
rising process before the peak values than the Debye dispersion

Planar tension test = Pure shear test for rubber? Explanations


我知道这是什么,我知道在某些测试conditions (low deformations and specimen's wide 10 times its lenght), a planar tension test is equal to pure shear test.

But I don't know why if we are doing a tension test we have pure shear.

Let me explain:

^ 1-Axis
| | ---> 2-Axis

pictures and data of crack propagation experiment or example


I am looking for some data/pictures of crack propagation tests. More precisely, what I am looking for are test results of some 2D structure (or structures that can be modeled in 2D) where the experimenter has listed the geometry, material, loads and boundary conditions, and displayed photos of the crack that was observed propagating on loading the structure. Sort of like "heres a plate of dimensions a x b, made of material x, with an initial crack here, I now apply a load of magnitude M, and heres a picture of the crack that has propagated."

PhD Studentship at Simon Fraser University Fuel Cell Lab

PhD and Master's Studentships
Fuel Cell Modeling and Experimentation
Simon Fraser University Fuel Cell Laboratory
Vancouver, Canada
Starting Date: January 1, 2012

Markus J. Buehler's picture

Post-‐doctoral research fellowship: Molecular mechanics of bone


Top candidates are sought for a collaborative research project between Dr. Sandra Shefelbine (Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College London) and Dr. Markus Buehler (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology). This project will use molecular modelling techniques and associated experimental methods to explore the collagen-apatite interface in bone.

Validation and benchmarking problems for 3D fluid simulation with free boundaries

I have a hard time finding problem sets for validation and
benchmarking of methods and codes for 3d fluid simulation with free
boundaries. Please guide me to (standardized) problem sets or key
litterture that is a suitable starting point. If there are not many
standardized tests I would like to initiate a dsicussion about what a
good test collection should be. I understand that iMechanica is focused
more on solid mechanics than fluid dynamics but the overlap is big.

Validation and benchmarking problems for 3D fluid simulation with free boundaries

I have a hard time finding problem sets for validation and benchmarking of methods and codes for 3d fluid simulation with free boundaries. Please guide me to (standardized) problem sets or key litterture that is a suitable starting point. If there are not many standardized tests I would like to initiate a dsicussion about what a good test collection should be. I understand that iMechanica is focused more on solid mechanics than fluid dynamics but the overlap is big.

小松Wakamatsu's picture

Thin Material

Choose a channel featured in the header of iMechanica:

Hello, imechanicians,

If you are (or to be) an experimentalist and have a good idea, please help me!

I have a Si - Si DCB and would like to initiate a crack and hold it as it is (similar to a crack initiated in mica with a razor blade) According to my calculation, I need something like 1 to 5 um thickness. It could be sometime like a wedge shape.

If you have any good idea, please give me a suggestion!

Thank you,


Yong Zhu's picture

The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting, ACE-X2008

The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting, ACE-X2008

Barcelona, Spain, July 14-15, 2008.

For more information, please check the ACE-X2008<>

Markus J. Buehler's picture

Brittle fracture down to femto-Joules — and below

I found an interesting paper on the arXiv website that may interest some mechanicians. Markus

Title: Brittle fracture down to femto-Joules — and below

Authors: J. Astrom, P.C.F. Di Stefano, F. Probst, L. Stodolsky, J. Timonen

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