iMechanica - ratcheting // en Ratcheting assessment of Pressure vessel as per ASME design by analysis https://万博manbetx平台

Hello from India.I am working for Industrial equipment manfacturer in Gujarat,in need for Ratcheting assessment of one equipment which is having operating as well as design temperature more than 500 C.We are having ANSYS software for Analysis.I have done previously elastic collapse for various equipment.But,this is something i have never seen in detail anytime.

It would be great if someone can guide and help me out through this challenging opportunity.

A step by step guidelines for loading and result evaluation for Ratcheting as per ASME section 8 div 2 part 5 DBA is required.

Kindly help me out.

Thank You and Regards.

Mon, 13 Dec 2021 16:21:24 +0000 jsn1411 25629年在https: // https://万博manbetx平台 //
Pattern formation in plastic liquid films on elastomers by ratcheting //

See our newly discovered phenomena, Pattern formation in plastic liquid films on elastomers by ratcheting

Here is the abstract:

Plastic liquids, also known as Bingham liquids, retain their shape when loads are small, but flow when loads exceed a threshold. We discovered that plastic liquid films coated on elastomers develop wavy patterns under cyclic loads.As the number of cycles increases, the wavelength of the patterns remains unchanged, but the amplitude of the patterns increases and then saturates. Because the patterns develop progressively under cyclic loads, we call this phenomenon as “patterning by ratcheting”. We observe the phenomenon in plastic liquids of several kinds, and studied the effects of thickness, the cyclic frequency of the stretch, and the range of the stretch. Finite element simulations show that the ratcheting phenomenon can occur in materials described by a commonly used model of elastic-plastic deformation.

Please visit:!divAbstract

Thu, 24 Mar 2016 02:53:00 +0000 Jiawei Yang 19645 at // // //