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Postdoc Position: Numerical Modeling of Nonlinear Surface Waves


A postdoctoral position in numerical modeling of nonlinear wave propagation is available in the Eriten Research Group(PI: Prof. Melih Eriten) and the Henak Lab (PI: Prof. Corinne R. Henak) in the UW-Madison, Department of Mechanical Engineering. This position is supported by a newly funded NSF project on numerical simulation of surface acoustic waves in nonlinear elastic materials.Qualifications:

  • PhD in a field of numerical simulation of wave propagation (within 3 years or will have completed PhD in Fall 2022 semester),
  • Strong background in nonlinear theory of elastic waves and numerical methods (such as FEM, DEM, spectral methods, etc.),
  • Knowledge in nonlinear elasticity, constitutive modeling of materials and failure mechanics, and
  • Solid publication record and conference attendance.

Interested applicants should email the following toeriten@wisc.eduand/

  1. Cover letter
  2. Two lead-author articles exemplifying the past experience relevant to the qualifications listed above
  3. List of 3 reference providers with contact information
  4. Detailed CV

Applications submittedbefore December 15, 2022will be given priority.

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