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-- Please email your statement of interest/motivation letter and CV to Prof. Michele Scaraggi,--

Short INFO: We are looking for highly motivated, proactive and talented candidates with backgrounds in (any of the following) computational contact mechanics, fluid dynamics, modelling and simulation of interface mechanics, applied mathematics, or related areas.

The position is industrially-funded as a part of a larger industrial research project.

The position start is at soonest.

LOCATION: CBN-IIT, Arnesano-Lecce, Italy.

Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, IIT (, is a private law Foundation, created with special Government Law no. 269 dated September 30th 2003 with the objective of promoting Italy’s technological development and higher education in science and technology. Research at IIT is carried out in highly innovative scientific fields with state-of-the-art technology.

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PDF iconTheoretical.Call Post-doc.IIT_.end2019.pdf 134.18 KB
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