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Summer School on Computational Materials Science at Texas A&M

On behalf of the Center for intelligent Multifunctional Materials and Structures (CiMMS) and the Department of Materials Science & Engineering at Texas A&M University, we would like to announce the coming,sixth iterationof the Texas A&MSummer School on Computational Materials Science(see attached flyer). The school will take place in College Station, TX fromJuly 23 – Aug. 4. Application deadline isMay 1.这所学校的目的是研究生,博士后s and junior scientists who would like to learn more about state of the art techniques in computational materials science. Topics included are: thermodynamics and kinetics of microstructures, micromechanics of plasticity, fracture and phase transformations, mesoscale modeling methods (phase field, dislocation dynamics), atomistic simulations (molecular dynamics, electronic structure calculations) and elements of integrated computer-aided materials design.The school will include lectures on each specific topic, followed by comprehensive, hands-on practical sessions where the students will have the opportunity to use some of the most common computer simulation codes.

Please encourage your students/colleagues to apply!

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