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GEM4 Summer School on Cell & Molecular Mechanics in Biomedicine 2007 - NUS, Singapore

上榜泰克Lim's picture

GEM4 Summer School 2007on Cell & Molecular Mechanics in Biomedicine (with a focus on Cancer)

25 June to 6 July 2007

Centre of Life Sciences

National University of Singapore (NUS)

A 2-week GEM4 Summer School on Cell & Molecular Mechanics in Biomedicine (with a focus on Cancer) will be held at the National University of Singapore from 25 June to 6 July 2007. This is the 2nd GEM4 Summer School with the first (with a focus on infectious diseases) held in MIT last year. Attached is the summer school brochure.

There are a limited number offellowshipsavailable to help cover the registration fees for overseas student participants. Interested overseas student participants are to submit a copy of their CV and a supporting letter from their thesis advisor to Ms Maureen Oliveiro (GEM4 Secretariat) 15 May 2007.

Best wishes,

CT Lim

Chair,Scientific Program & Organizing Committee, GEM4 Summer School 2007

Chwee Teck LIM PhD
Deputy Director, Office of Life Sciences
Division of Bioengineering & Dept of Mechanical Engineering
National University of Singapore
9 Engineering Drive 1. Singapore 117576
电话:(65)6516 7801传真:(65)6779 1459电子邮件
Websites: Biomechanics Lab),

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