iMechanica - Comments for "Journal Club for June 2022: Computational mechanics for local-scale modelling of coastal hazards" // Comments for "Journal Club for June 2022: Computational mechanics for local-scale modelling of coastal hazards" 这个话题的范围 // <一个id = "评论- 30775 " > < / >

In reply to Journal Club for June 2022: Computational mechanics for local-scale modelling of coastal hazards

This article brilliantly describes how computational techniques could be used for modelling disasters and subsequently minimising the damage caused by these phenomena. For those who had attended the online training conducted by the author at designsafe this article could be a summary of all what they had learnt then. I wish the author conducts even more training sessions on Hydro-UQ so that the student community realises its true potential

Thu, 07 Jul 2022 17:13:55 +0000 Govind G Nair comment 30775 at //