iMechanica - Comments for "Error messages when I import an Abaqus example file in Abaqus CAE" https://万博manbetx平台 Comments for "Error messages when I import an Abaqus example file in Abaqus CAE" en Seems like your inp file was https://万博manbetx平台

In reply to Error messages when I import an Abaqus example file in Abaqus CAE

Seems like your inp file was created in a more recent version of Abaqus and you're running the job on an older version. I would try running the inp file on a newer version of Abaqus or create it from scratch using the Abaqus version you currently have and see if that works.

星期四,2016年2月25日20:45:57 + 0000 ashwin2rai comment 28126 at //