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How to ask a question in a forum?

Zhigang Suo's picture

If you have a question about iMechanica or about mechanics, you can first try to find the answer by using the search form at the upper right corner of iMechanica. If you cannot find the answer, you can ask the question in a forum by following steps:

  1. Registerfor a free account if you have not. Thenlogin.
  2. ClickAsk iMechanicain the upper right corner.
  3. ClickPost new forum topic.
  4. Enter your question as the Subject
  5. Choose a forum (If you find no better choice, leave it to the default choice "Ask iMechanica")
  6. Enter a Body of text to explain your question.
  7. If you want to attach a file, go to the bottom of the page and click the tab "File attachments"
  8. Click "Submit".

Your question will appear on the right side of iMechanica. A fellow mechanician will answer you.

You can track all your conversations by clicking the tab "recent posts" in the header of iMechanica, and then click the tab "my recent posts". You can also have all conversations of a forum delivered to you asRSS feeds.



How can you help us to let our multiphysics to be discovered by reseachers and academies .?


Can someone help how/where I can submit a post for post-doc position? I did so a few days ago but it was in a new blog entry. I did not see where to submit a job entry.

Thanks very much.


不要介意-- I found the solution. my fault for not observing the "how to".

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