

生物工程博士职位- ERC资助研究小组


地点:意大利巴里理工大学力学、数学与管理系,Via Orabona 4 - 70125




奖学金:大约1200欧元/月(在巴里住是可以的,单人间大约350欧元/月)+国外50% +会议/会议/研讨会/笔记本电脑/工作站的钱。



社会老龄化给欧洲的公共卫生系统带来了压力。衰老导致的组织改变是人体器官不同层之间脱离(失去亲密粘连)的主要原因之一,例如,神经感觉视网膜从底层视网膜色素上皮脱离,导致视网膜脱离,可能导致失明[1]。粘附在细胞和细胞膜上的受体允许跨膜连接,而粘附是细胞膜锚定到细胞骨架上的基础[2]。(i)迅速的医疗对完全或部分恢复组织功能的可能性有很大影响,如果在最初症状出现后不久提供治疗,恢复的可能性更大。医疗服务的延误往往导致侵入性手术,这在成本和器官功能方面都是昂贵的,因为它不能保证器官功能的完全恢复[3]。此外,(ii)不同患者的同一组织可能存在很大的差异,因此开发特设接口和支架的可能性引起了人们的极大兴趣[3]。考虑到这些需求(i-ii),目前的博士研究计划旨在开发“按需”设计和制造仿生界面的实验方案,以优化细胞粘附。在这方面,基本的使能技术将以TriboDynamics (DMMM, PoliBa)提供的基于双光子聚合(2PP)微制造系统的快速原型设计为代表。2PP技术允许在100平方厘米的面积上制造具有高空间分辨率(低至200纳米)的3D支架和界面。可采用不同力学性能的光树脂,杨氏模量从GPa到kPa不等。 Biocompatible (not-cytotoxic) and biodegradable photoresins (IP-L, IP-Visio) are available which can be used for cells growth [4]. The proposed research will be carried on in collaboration with the Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology of the University of Bari (DBB, UniBa), which will support the project providing in-depth knowledge of the physiology of the tissues and cells to be considered. The research is planned as follows: (0-6 months) literature overview of the physiology of biological interfaces suffering adhesion degradation, (6-9 months) conceiving a biomimetic interface for adhesion of cells based on the physiology of biological interfaces, (9-18 months) numerical analysis of the adhesive properties of the micro-structured interfaces, (18-30 months) microfabrication of biomimetic interfaces via 2PP high-resolution 3D printing, (24-36) analysis of the biological interactions between cells and biomimetic surfaces in collaboration with the DBB of UniBa. Design will be supported by finite element numerical simulation, possibly adding multiphysics effects, for example aiming at taking into account the possibility of biological fluids at the interface between the cells and the biomimetic surface. The project is multidisciplinary as it aims at developing innovative numerical/fabrication protocols for providing rapid response to the need to repristinate tissue adhesion among different cells layers, thus aiming at a prompt maintenance and restoration of the tissue function, minimizing invasive surgical approaches. The proposal objectives are perfectly in line with the scope of the PNRR, in particular with the actions undertaken for human wellbeing. Indeed, it is strategic for Italian and European health care systems to implement the most effective technologies and tools to reduce the disease burden and the social impact of common disease in aging populations. Versatile biohybrid interfaces with upgradable mechanical/topographic features will eventually be achieved, with potential application to different biological diseases causing adhesion degeneration between cell layers alleviating socioeconomical implications. Interface testing in terms of adhesive/mechanical performances (peeling test, debonding test, maximum adhesive force at detachment) will be conducted at the TriboDynamics Lab (PoliBa) in collaboration with the DBB (UniBa) in an iterative optimization process of fabrication and functional verification. A minimum period of 6 months of research abroad will be guaranteed, thanks to the active collaborations with CNRS (Lyon, France) and with the Hamburg University of Technology (Germany). The research outputs will be disseminated according to the principle of Open Science.

博士生将在一个刺激的环境中工作,并有可能与摩擦动力学实验室合作,该实验室最近在力学数学和管理系成立,得到了欧洲研究理事会erc -2021启动基金的支持,资助金额为150万欧元(https://www-dppi.poliba.it/index.php/en/ercstarting-grant).


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