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ABAQUS Tutorial for ES 240

Nanshu Lu's picture

Please download and read the following materials.

1-1 ABAQUS tutorial for ES 240.pdf

1-2 Learning ABAQUS.pdf

1-3 CAE Example.pdf


thank you

do you have any tutorials to learn hoe to use abaqus for ground coupled heat pumps

fmohf's picture

hello dear mrs nanshu lu

i have a problem about use combine hardeningbehaviuor modelwith couple TEMPERATURE-DISPLACEMENT analysis together in abaqus software. do you can guide me . thankyou

Do you have any tutorial about frequency responce for tortional beam? I need to test out the natural frequency of the tortional beam. Can you guide me on that.


pavan_pudi's picture

Dear Nanshu Lu,

Can you guide me in doing Modal and FRF analysis in Abaqus. I want to do Deck preparation in hypermesh and run in Abaqus.



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