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Linking ABAQUS With Subroutine Written In FORTRAN 90

I am using ABAQUS 6.10.1, Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, and Intel Visual Fortran Compiler Professional 11.1.060 on Windows 7 Premium. So far ABAQUS of my system is able to process user subroutine written in FORTRAN 77 (.for file) without any problem. However, may I know is it possible to make ABAQUS process user subroutine written in FORTRAN 90? Waht setting should I change and what format ( .for or .f90 ) should the FORTRAN 90 user subroutine be saved in order for the linking to work?

How to Assign Initial Solution-dependent State Variable to VUMAT

Hi everyone,

I just constructed a VUMAT which including 3 state dependent variables ( nstatev =3 ), let say these three state dependent variables each have a initial value of 10, 20 and 30, may I know how to assign these initial values into the simulation or VUMAT?

So far I follow the manual to assign the initial value via input file with material properties command as below (the line started with "*Initial Conditions" is line 361):

Siple Compression Test With Abaqus Explicit

Hi, i am trying to test a bulk metallc glass VUMAT with a simple compression test simulation. But since VUMAT is a Abaqus Explicit subroutine, that means I must set my compression simulation with setting of Abaqus Explicit right? So far I only have the experience in conducting compression test simualtion using ABAQUS Standard setting like static general step and surface-to-surface contact (standard). I don't know how to set up a simple compression test simulation with Abaqus Explicit settings, can anyone help me please?

Thanks and regards.

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