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software of interest to mechanicians

Does anyone use FEAP here?

Hi everyone,

Does anyone using feap software?

Currently I'm attempting to compiling FEAP at Visual Studio. After I successfully building of both library and executable,

It shows "========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========". I considered this as a successful compilation.

However when I run in command prompt: feap -itherm_2d (It's the 5th example input file in FEAP software), the errors pops up as :

feap example file running errors

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A question about deformation gradient in ABAQUS user subroutine VUMAT

I have a question about deformation gradient in VUMAT.

When I use one element, Vumat works well and there is no any problem. Initially, only the diagonal part of deformation gradient is one, the others are zero. However, the problem is when several elements are considered, all the components of deformaiton gradient are equal to one at very beginning.

composite material data

hi, i want yield stress and plastic strain data for aluminium and epoxy resin.actually i m doing project on composites.....

FRANC3D - the next generation

I guess it is about time some one from the Cornell Fracture Group got on this site to try help answer questions related to the CFG software or other fracture mechanics related questions. We do try to answer questions sent to us via email, but sometimes a forum like this would be best and we do appreciate other users input, feedback, and answers.

drilling simulation abaqus 6.7

hi...i am doing drilling simulation on abaqus....

it consist of two parts...a tool and a blank....

now when i am running analysis...tool touches the blank and goes back.

i checked material data...density,elasticity...and i used surface to surface interaction with penalty as interaction property....

can any one tell me to perform this....

Introducing a user defined heat flux to ABAQUS

Dear all,

I must apply a user defined heat flux to ABAQUS for getting thermal profile in defferent nodes and elements. How can I apply this user defined heat flux to AVAQUS and how can I write this user defined heat flux for ABAQUS?





About the half-step residual tolerance in Abaqus

This days, I am working on the dynamics analysis using the Abaqus. the implicit dynamic integration method in abaqus is HHT-alpha. I found that a very strange parameter about the method is the half-step residual tolerance . I don't know the parameter is whether important or not and how to determine it.

thank you very much :)


Dear All,

do you know how to prestress a membrane in abaqus cae??

thanks a lot


Does anyone can help me on spooles package's iterative method ?

Does anyone can help me on spooles package's iterative method ?
Dear everyone :
I need your help !
I am using spooles , and I have successfully
use it in direct methods which is in directory
/misc/drivers , and I have run into problems when
I use the code in /Iter/drivers , for the demos in it
, I have run successfully , but I want to use the same
matrix of A and b as in direct method when I do in direct,
in fact , I am use a fortran code for main program , I
only to take use of spooles as a subroutine , to solve Ax=b for
me, the code iter.c in Iter/drivers , is a main c program , and I want to
change it as a subroutine for my fortran main program .
and I don't know how to change it to a suitable code . because in the

Error in Ansys

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hello everyone,

I model a reinforced concrete column in ansys . ( with william-warkne criteria )
During Bending Loading the below error was appear .
Please guide me That Error What's meaning ?

*** FATAL *** CP = 93.507 TIME= 12:07:01
The supplied nonlinear material properties produced an incorrect
material tangent matrix. Please check your TB input carefully. A
very small yield stress may cause this failure.

Regard .

Load step in Ansys

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Hi Everyone

I model a reinforced concrete column in ansys .
I Want to Know What's the criteria for load step and I Should Follow what criteria for load step to reach to the best Result.


CP in Ansys

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hello everyone,

I model a reinforced concrete column in ansys .
I want to know that in this picture what's meaning 'CP' , 'CP' is abbreviation of which Words and what's unit of that .

(Plz Download file to View the Picture)

thanks alot


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Hello everyone

I model a reinforced concrete column in ansys .
after loading the model three types of crack will exist in it . ( First Crack,Second crack,Third Crack)
I want to know what difference between those .

is differences between those due to time of their existance or for other reasons ?

If diffrence due to time of their existance , what criteria for time is considered ?



could you give some suggestion ,which how can i use strand7 to analysis the membrance with hole?

CosmosWorks or other simulation software?

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I was wondering whether CosmosWorks could help me solve this (node/5016) ?
I prefer to stay with SolidWorks because I already use it for 3D modeling so I guess it will be easier to learn,
but if necessary I would also consider software like Simulink.
What do you recommend?

Thanks in advance!

Applying torsion in Abaqus 6.7

Hello everyone.

I need to apply a torsional load to the top face of a cylinder. I try doing this but my analysis doesnt run. I am using Abaqus 6.7 EF-1.

Can anyone help?

solat.noruzi's picture

Johnson Cook failure model


can Anyone help me to find johnson-cook failure model damage parameters(d1, d2, d3, d4) for Advanced hgih strength steels like DP and TRIP?


babakp's picture


Hi everybody

I'm babak, and work with Abaqus.

that's so good too be up to date with Abaqus.


help on ansys workbench with composite material


I want to know how can I model a layered composite material(e.g. FRP or GRP) in ansys work bench 11? how can i define the material?

Abaqus SE problem

刚刚参加了一个联邦应急管理局介绍课程穿上my provincial engineering assoc. We all received a copy of Abaqus Student Edition.

When I install the program on my Toshiba Windows Vista laptop the installation completes but when I start the program and try to draw a part instead of getting a blue grid I get a second white drawing sheet overlaying the first.I have tried numerous installs and have all the latest Vista upgrades. My copy of the DVD is good because the program works on my desktop computer.

Ansys - Concrete nonlinear beam


I have to model with the Ansys software a beam in concrete material. It must be non linear.

In materials properties, I can choose Materials models - Structural - nonlinear - inelastic - non metal plasticity - concrete.

I put the Elastic Modulus, the Poisson´ratio, the uniaxial cracking stress and the uniaxial crushing stress. But I don´t know how I can enter the values of the strain at fc (compressive cylinder strength) and the value of the fracture energy.

ABAQUS/CAE plots values with discontinuous edges/nodes

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Discontinuous plot in ABAQUS/CAE

The plot is showing a value typically obtained at the integrations points (in this case a single integration point).

Normally you would make a plot like this by taking the mean value of the surrounding elements to each node, then making a interpolated plot like this. However, it is obvious this is not the case around the red node, as it has several different values in the same node.

Discontinuous plot in ABAQUS/CAE

The plot is showing a value typically obtained at the integrations points (in this case a single integration point).

Normally you would make a plot like this by taking the mean value of the surrounding elements to each node, then making a interpolated plot like this. However, it is obvious this is not the case around the red node, as it has several different values in the same node. This behaviour happens quite often for me in ABAQUS/CAE, and it is quite annoying as the strange looking plot makes the results seem less trustworth.

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