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JayZ900807's blog

Defining a circle

Hello everyone.

Does anyone know how to define a circle (a face) in the input file. I have been able to define the basic shape of a semi-circle, but i am having difficulty with generating the nodes and elements.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thank You!

Importing user defined input files

Hi everyone.

I am using abaqus 6.8 and have been able to import Abaqus's user defined input files (For example, the skew sensitivity of shell poblem). However, lately i have been unable to do this, and i am really unsure of why. Now when i try to open the files, I get an error message saying:

Help with parametric modelling

I want to perform a parametric study, where the geometry of
an object is varied. However, the only catch is that I need to be able to do
this by parametrizing the input file. I have given an example below to more
clearly explain, what I am trying to say.

Let’s just say i have a cube, and i want to define the
distance between two opposite faces by a parameter called 'length', with a value
of 20mm. I know that this would be written in the input file as:


Applying torsion in Abaqus 6.7

Hello everyone.

I need to apply a torsional load to the top face of a cylinder. I try doing this but my analysis doesnt run. I am using Abaqus 6.7 EF-1.

Can anyone help?

Parametric modelling help!!!!!!!!!!!!!


我想要运行示例ramtrized input files on Abaqus. I do this by importing it as a model. However, when i do this, an error message comes up saying:

WARNING: The input file contains one or more data items which have been parameterized. Parameterized input files can not yet be imported into Abaqus/CAE. This occurred while scanning input file for parameterized data. The input file will not be imported.

I really need to overcome this problem. Is there anyone out there that can help?

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