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Discontinuous plot in ABAQUS/CAE

The plot is showing a value typically obtained at the integrations points (in this case a single integration point).

Normally you would make a plot like this by taking the mean value of the surrounding elements to each node, then making a interpolated plot like this. However, it is obvious this is not the case around the red node, as it has several different values in the same node. This behaviour happens quite often for me in ABAQUS/CAE, and it is quite annoying as the strange looking plot makes the results seem less trustworth.

It doesn't matter (and shouldn't matter) what kind of analysis that has been performed, since this the interpolation should only haveonenodal value, which is the mean of the surrounding elements, regardless.

I am contemplating on filing a bug report to have this unwanted behaviour fixed, but there might be a better explanation to why the plot looks like this. Any insight on this issue is greatly appreciated.

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