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Does anyone can help me on spooles package's iterative method ?

Does anyone can help me on spooles package's iterative method ?
Dear everyone :
I need your help !
I am using spooles , and I have successfully
use it in direct methods which is in directory
/misc/drivers , and I have run into problems when
I use the code in /Iter/drivers , for the demos in it
, I have run successfully , but I want to use the same
matrix of A and b as in direct method when I do in direct,
in fact , I am use a fortran code for main program , I
only to take use of spooles as a subroutine , to solve Ax=b for
me, the code iter.c in Iter/drivers , is a main c program , and I want to
change it as a subroutine for my fortran main program .
and I don't know how to change it to a suitable code . because in the

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