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FRANC3D - the next generation

I guess it is about time some one from the Cornell Fracture Group got on this site to try help answer questions related to the CFG software or other fracture mechanics related questions. We do try to answer questions sent to us via email, but sometimes a forum like this would be best and we do appreciate other users input, feedback, and answers.

CFG软件上提供我们的www站点是真实的ly getting old and the software is nolonger being actively developed and we have no plans to release any updates to what is there. That being said, the software is still there and works - for the most part - and is still free and still being used.

In the past few years, we have been using in-house a Next Generation version of FRAN3D. I am attaching a paper that will be presented at ICF12 in Ottawa in July. This next generation code has been developed outside of Cornell (for the most part) and we are still trying to determine whether we can put a version on our CFG www site for free download. It is being used by several dozen beta-testers in industry, government and academia, including students here at Cornell.

This next generation code is coupled with commercial (and in-house) finite element codes (no more boundary elements). It has (or will have) everything that the "classic" version of FRANC3D had - and more.

We do not have a next generation of FRANC2D (yet), although it would be nice at times.

I will end this here for now. Please feel free to contact us for more information either here or via email or any other way. For those of you who have not been to the CFG www site:www.cfg.cornell.eduand we also have a www site for Fracture Analysis Consultants ( with a little different info.


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