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Markus J. Buehler's picture

Call for Papers: ASME 2013 2nd Global Congress on NanoEngineering for Medicine and Biology (NEMB2013)

一个SME 2013 2nd Global Congress on NanoEngineering for Medicine and Biology (NEMB2013)

February 4-6, 2013 in Boston, Massachusetts

Submission of Abstract for Poster or Oral Presentation:October 15, 2012

Lifeng Wang's picture

One PhD Position Available in Mechanics of Materials

One PhD position is available immediately in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at Clarkson University, NY, US. The research program focuses on the mechanical behaviors of advanced materials including polymer microstructures, composites, nanomaterials, and biological materials. Interdisciplinary collaborations are possible. The candidates with background and interest in engineering mechanics, solid mechanics, and materials science are highly encouraged to apply.

Those were not waves: A bit historical re. Huygens' principle

一个few points that might be of general interest:

1. The dates: The date of Huygens' first written down material, which was orally presented to the French Academy of Sciences, is 1678---in contrast to the oft-quoted date of 1690. 1690 was the year of the first, French, publication of these notes (plus other material) in the form of a book.

Corner flow

Turbomachinery Design and Optimization with AxSTREAM 3.0: First Training in India

SoftInWay Turbomachinery Solutions Pvt. Ltd., an Indian subsidiary of SoftInWay Inc., proudly announces its first educational event in India: 5-day integrated training course on Axial Turbine Fundamentals and Turbomachinery Design and Optimization with AxSTREAM 3.0, to be held on January 17-21, 2011, in Bangalore, KA. The early-bird registered attendees will take advantage of a 33% discount (this offer is valid until December 24, 2010).

Ji Wang's picture

Faculty Positions at Department of Mechanics and Engineering Science, Ningbo University


The Department of Mechanics and Engineering Science, Ningbo University, China, has multiple openings in Solid Mechanics and Fluid Mechanics for experienced and junior applicants.

The Department has been supported by Zhejiang Province under Center for Excellence program for broad subjects related to Engineering Mechanics research and education. We also have special funds for the enhancement of the Fluid Mechanics program.

More details on the current research and education program of the Department can be found at


How are Compression Modulus and Tensile Modulus related to Lame` constants?

Choose a channel featured in the header of iMechanica:

Hello everyone

I have a material with a compression modulus and tensile modulus along with Poisson's ratio. Are compression modulus and tensile modulus related to the Lame` constants? Or does this material fall under 'cubic symmetry' which needs three elastic constants? In that case, how are they related to the elastic coefficients (C12, C44 or C11)?

I need to incorporate these material properties in ABAQUS. How do I model this material in ABAQUS?

一个ny lead on this problem is appreciated. Thanks a lot.



Radial Turbomachinery Design: Free Webinar by SoftInWay

On April 15, 2010, at 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. EST SoftInWay will host free webinar "AxSTREAM Generation 3: New Features for Radial Turbomachines" that will showcase the new features of the AXSTREAM software suite for radial turbines and centrifugal compressors. The presentation is followed by an open forum where SoftInWay's experts will answer the attendees' questions.

The webinar's contents and screenshots are available at

razi's picture

FEMhub: Scientific computing for the rest of us

I came across a wonderful site a couple of weeks ago.

FEMhub is still at its beginning stage, but it can already do lots of interesting stuff. For someone like me who teaches numerical/computer methods in engineering at a developing country where computing is costly, tools like FEMhub are very much welcome.

More about FEMhub onmy website. Try out the example worksheets and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Mike Ciavarella's picture

statistics about students in world universities

dear Friend

I am comparing italian universities with Russian ones with US and with Cuban ones. Then I need some figures.

I have been able for example to find that there are about 50% of students-workers in Russia, what about US?
I mean full time workers, not just part time.

Vikram Gavini's picture

Brief overview of electronic structure calculations

I am attaching a brief overview of electronic structure theories (ab-initio theories) with emphasis on the various approximations that form a basis for these theories. It also contains references that provide a comprehensive introduction to the field.

Cai Wei's picture

Lecture notes on "Elasticity" and "Statistical Mechanics"

The lecture notes of the two courses I taught at Stanford University during the last two quarters, "ME 340 Elasticity" and "ME 334 Introduction to Statistical Mechanics", are available in PDF format online at:

Perhaps it could be useful to you.

一个mit Acharya's picture

Geometric Dislocation tensor in finite plasticity

in B. D. Reddy (ed.). IUTAM Symposium on Theoretical, Modelling, and Computational Aspects of Inelastic Media, 99-105. Springer Science, 2008.

一个lack of heroes, a lack of open culture

One of the things that I've thought about often in relation to mechanics is:

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yoursdhruly's picture

CALLING ALL STUDENTS! (and everyone else)

Recently, Prof. Suo and several of us students have been discussing the possibility ofincreasing student presence and activity on iMechanica. With this in mind, two of us:Mahdi Kazemzadehand I, have identified three important issues we would like to get your thoughts on. Please comment and let us know what you think, even if you are not a student. Also, if you wish to add any more issues you think we should look at, please post your thoughts in this regard as well.

Why lionize mathematics in science/engineering?

This has reference to (only) the *last paragraph* in Prof. Harry Lewis' recent post, found at:node/1423#comment-2880.

The reason I write the present post is because I always seem to have had a view of inventing, learning, or teaching mathematics that is remarkably at odds with what Prof. Lewis' last paragraph *seems* to imply.


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