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exw569's picture

Postdoctoral position in nanomechanics of 2D nanomaterials


The School of Engineering and Materials Science at Queen Mary University of London has a vacancy for a Postdoctoral Research Assistant (PDRA) todevelopcomputational models of ultra-flexible 2D nanomaterials in sheared liquids,using techniques borrowed from computational fluid and solid mechanics.

Sharlotte Kramer's picture

Sandia Fracture Challenge: Survey

The Sandia Fracture Challenge (SFC) was issued in December 2016, and the SFC supplemental information became available in February 2017. The predictions are due July 15th, 2017. We would appreciate feedback from you regarding the Challenge prior to the return of the predictions. Please emailSharlotte Kramer ( and Brad Boyce ( (1) your intent to participate in this SFC and/or (2) any comments you may have on the Challenge.

Closed: Research Fellow (PhD) position in ISRO funded project


The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has funded a 2 year project to BITS Pilani (Goa and Hyderabad campuses). The simulation project will model atomistic fracture in amorphous silica, with application to the Thermal Protection System (TPS) of the Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV).

Details of application are mentioned in the attachment.

Sharlotte Kramer's picture

Sandia Fracture Challenge Update

Supplemental information for the third Sandia Fracture Challenge (SFC) is now available!我们收集了舞会的补充信息ised in the original information packet and some additional information based on questions we received from participants. The supplemental information includes electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) data on the Challenge geometry, additional base material tests, raw DIC images and examples of DIC analyses of base material tests, and additional boundary condition information.

Sharlotte Kramer's picture

The 3rd Sandia Fracture Challenge is here!

The third Sandia Fracture Challenge is here!我们invite to you participate in this next installment of our collaborative, blind assessment of predictions of ductile fracture.For the third SFC, we wanted to challenge the computational mechanics community to predict ductile fracture in anadditively manufactured structure.

Extrusion, slide, and rupture of an elastomeric seal

Elastomeric seals are essential to two great technological advances in oilfields: horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing. This paper describes a method to study elastomeric seals by using the pressure-extrusion curve (i.e., the relation between the drop of pressure across a seal and the volume of extrusion of the elastomer). Emphasis is placed on a common mode of failure found in oilfields: leak caused by a crack across the length of a long seal. We obtain an analytical solution of large elastic deformation, which is analogous to the Poiseuille flow of viscous liquids.

WaiChing Sun's picture

PhD student or Postdoc Position available at Columbia University


A PhD or postdoc position is available in computational multiscale modelling of geological materials at my research group.Interested candidates please visit general information. Answers of general admission question can be found at

Erik Bitzek's picture

Symposium on Atomistic and Mesoscale Aspects of Fracture and Fatigue

I would like to point you to the

Mini symposium at the 14thInternational Conference on Fracture Rhodes, June 18-23 2017

onAtomistic and Mesoscale Aspects of Fracture and Fatigue

Chair:Prof. Peter Gumbsch, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology & Fraunhofer IWM, Germany

Co-chair:Dr Gianpietro Moras, Fraunhofer IWM, Germany

Call for Papers: PVP 2017 - MF2 Application of Fracture Mechanics in Failure Assessment

2017 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference

Hilton Waikoloa Village, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA

July 16 – 20, 2017

The ASME Materials and Fabrication Committee (M&F) is inviting papers in the technical sessions on Application of Fracture Mechanics in Failure Assessment (Topic MF-2). The papers will appear in the PVP 2017 conference proceedings and may be considered for publication in the ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology (JPVT) or any other ASME archival journals.


PhD position available at the University of Luxembourg - Additive Layer Manufacturing - Multi-scale Uncertainty Quantification



Profs. Thierry J. Massart (Universite Libre de Bruxelles), Ludovic Noels (Universite de Liege) and Stephane P.A.
Bordas (University of Luxembourg) have recently been awarded a joint research project by the FNRS and FNR.
The project focuses on the mechanical behavior of discrete metallic materials, such as metal foams and printed metallic structures

PhD opportunities

Anton Trofimov's picture

Looking for a job opportunity in Mechanical Engineering


Dear All,

My name is Anton and I have graduated from New Mexico State University with my Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering in August. I am currently looking for a job opportunities in both industry and academia (PhD). I am keep looking for an openings on this web-site myself, but I will be grateful for any suggestions. If someone knows any other opportunities please let me know.

Here is a brief summary of my qualifications:

•Solid Mechanics and Materials. Physics of Strength and Plasticity. Modeling of Mechanical systems

Call for Papers // Fatigue Durability India 2016 // Publishing Partner Springer

Choose a channel featured in the header of iMechanica:

FatigueDurability India 2016invites technical papers from all Academicians/ individuals/companies associated with engineering design, analysis, testing, instrumentation, research on Fatigue Durability & Fracture Mechanics or related technologies .

The Authors are encouraged to submit paper on the following themes, but not limited to

Call for Papers // Fatigue Durability India 2016 // Publishing Partner Springer

Choose a channel featured in the header of iMechanica:

FatigueDurability India 2016invites technical papers from all Academicians/ individuals/companies associated with engineering design, analysis, testing, instrumentation, research on Fatigue Durability & Fracture Mechanics or related technologies .

The Authors are encouraged to submit paper on the following themes, but not limited to

A.Tabarraei's picture

Ph.D. position in computational solid mechanics


系的博士位置可用echanical Engineering and Engineering Science at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. The research project is on the multiscale modeling of the stress corrosion cracking. Candidates should have a strong background incontinuum mechanics, finite elements and constitutive modeling.Programming experience in Fortran or C++ is required for this position. The starting date for this position is January 2017.

crack propagation in Abaqus (VCCT) with remeshing

I started using VCCT with quarter tip elements in Abaqus (not XFEM). I can solve the problem and get the SIFs.
我怎么能让裂纹生长?有人一个脚本for crack growth and remeshing that I can implement?

Ahmed Elbanna's picture

[Call for Abstracts] SES minisymposium on Friction, Fracture, and Damage

Dear Colleagues,

我们would like to invite you to consider submitting abstracts to the following minisymposium taking place as part of the Soceity of Engineering Sciences meeting to be hosted by the University of Maryland (October 4-7, 2016)

D-9 :Friction, Fracture and damage(

Structural simulation position @ Bosch


Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions is a branch of Robert Bosch (Fortune 500) is seeking a Senior Engineer for its Simulation team in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. Only applicable for Vietnamese candidate or candidate can work in Vietnam

Senior structural simulation engineer


·BSc, MSc or PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Computational Engineering, Maths or related fields

SIF for an edge crack in mode III

Hi everyone,

I am working on the propagation of an edge crack in semi-infinite plate under antiplane loading.

I need to estimate the stress intensity factor KIII at the front of the crack but I can't find a theoretical formula for this purpose. For an embedded crack of length l in an infinite plate under shear stress sigma_23 I can use KIII = sigma23*sqrt(pi*l). But I don't know what I must use in the case of an edge crack.


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