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How to receive posts and comments in your email?

Zhigang Suo's picture

You can receive posts and comments by email. They are faster than uploading webpages. They come into folders other than your regular emails, so you don't need to look at the posts if you have no time.

I useThunderbird. Other email applications might have the similar feature. (If your email applications do not have this feature, you can always set up afeed reader.)

Here are the steps in Thunderbird to get subscription of posts.

  1. Go to the "File" menu and select "New -> Account".
  2. In the dialog box that pops up, select "RSS News & Blogs". Then keep pressing all "Next" buttons and the "Finish" button. The "News & Blogs" account will appear in the folders pane.
  3. Right-click on the "News & Blogs" account name in the folders pane and select "Manage Subscriptions".
  4. In the dialog box that pops up, press "Add"
  5. A smaller box pops up. Paste into Feed URL:rss.xml. Check "Show the article summary instead of loading the web page". Press "OK".

的网址Step 6 is for all posts in the front page of iMechanica. The URL for a feed is the same whether you use your email application or a feed reader. You can repeat Step 6 to subscribe to other feeds, for example,

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Great tips.

As I know, Some free software and web service allows users to receive and read rss feeds in your email client. like MailbyRSS , IzyNews, Info Aggregator,Oddpost, PopHeadlines and more.

MailbyRSS is a FREE service for authoring RSS channels by email. It is ideal for organizations that wish to augment their opt-in e-mail campaigns with RSS channels, providing them a way to ensure that the information they publish reaches subscribers without being blocked by spam lists or filters.

IzyNews, a revolutionary new way of receiving news and other RSS feeds in an eMail application. With IzyNews, you can subscribe to thousands of weblogs and professionally syndicated headlines feeds for delivery right into your eMail application.

PopHeadlines allows you to subscribe to RSS feeds and have them delivered to you through your email client. It provides a POP3 server which fetches items from RSS feeds and passes them on as normal emails. This allows you to read RSS feeds in your favourite email client - any email client.

Enjoy these, good luck.

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