iMechanica - Comments for "How to receive posts and comments in your email?" // Comments for "How to receive posts and comments in your email?" en The RSS2Email is a very https://万博manbetx平台

In reply to How to receive posts and comments in your email?

The RSS2Email is a very good site. I use RSS all the time and now i can get it via email. :)

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Sat, 03 Nov 2007 20:02:03 +0000 tekn1q comment 5749 at //
some rss2mail web services //

In reply to How to receive posts and comments in your email?

In addition to aban.
Here is some rss2mail web services: and

imho rssfwd more usable

Janet Kellman, software reviews manager

Mon, 09 Jul 2007 19:30:57 +0000 Kellman珍妮特 comment 3440 at //
free software allows users to receive and read rss from email //

In reply to How to receive posts and comments in your email?

Great tips.

As I know, Some free software and web service allows users to receive and read rss feeds in your email client. like MailbyRSS , IzyNews, Info Aggregator,Oddpost, PopHeadlines and more.

MailbyRSS is a FREE service for authoring RSS channels by email. It is ideal for organizations that wish to augment their opt-in e-mail campaigns with RSS channels, providing them a way to ensure that the information they publish reaches subscribers without being blocked by spam lists or filters.

IzyNews, a revolutionary new way of receiving news and other RSS feeds in an eMail application. With IzyNews, you can subscribe to thousands of weblogs and professionally syndicated headlines feeds for delivery right into your eMail application.

PopHeadlines allows you to subscribe to RSS feeds and have them delivered to you through your email client. It provides a POP3 server which fetches items from RSS feeds and passes them on as normal emails. This allows you to read RSS feeds in your favourite email client - any email client.

Enjoy these, good luck.

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Sat, 21 Apr 2007 13:35:42 +0000 aban comment 2402 at //