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Spring 2007

Zhigang Suo's picture

Homework problems 26-31

This is the last homework set for ES 242r / ENGM 940

Zhigang Suo's picture

ES 241 Advanced Elasticity Final Examination

Update on 23 May 2009: I'm adding links to the slides as they are uploaded.

The final exam will take the form of a pedagogical workshop. We have 8 students taking the class for credit. I have divided thelecture notesinto 8 parts as follows.

Lecture 18--Aspects of dynamic fracture

A very breif introduction to aspects of dynamic fracture mechanics.

Zhigang Suo's picture


  • Free energy and generalized coordinate. Equilibrium and stability
  • Control parameter
  • Configurational transitions of two types
  • Critical point of configurational transition of the second type. Bifurcation analysis
  • Behavior near a critical point. Post-bifurcation analysis
  • Load-displacement relation near a critical point
  • Koiter's theory of imperfection sensitivity
  • A family of systems of many degrees of freedom
  • Mode of bifurcation
  • Vibration in the neighborhood of an equilibrium configuration

lecture 17. Introduction to Computational Ductile Fracture

An overview of several approaches to computational fracture mechanics for ductile structural metals.

Zhigang Suo's picture

Complex variable methods

  • What types of PDEs can be solved using complex variable methods
  • Anti-plane shear
  • Elements of a function of a complex variable (contour integral, analytic continuation, conformal mapping)
  • Line force
  • Screw dislocation
  • Crack
  • Circular hole
  • Elliptic hole
  • Plemelj formulas
  • Riemann-Hilbert problem
  • Crack interacting with a point singularity
  • In-plane deformation
  • Dundurs parameters
  • Interfacial cracks
  • Anisotropic materials. Stroh formalism
Zhigang Suo's picture

Lecture 15 Ratcheting induced slow crack (RISC)

Zhigang Suo's picture

Homework problems 20-25, Fracture Mechanics

This set is related to buckle-driven delamination, crack bridging, and interfacial cracks.

Lectures 14 & 16; Matrix cracking, cracks intersecting an interface, and crack kinking

Matrix cracking in composites and the competition between penetration and deflection when a crack approaches an interface, and the competition between advance in the interface and kinking out of the interface for an interface crack.

jhchen's picture

jianhao chen

Hi, I'm a Physics grad student working with Dr. Ellen Williams. My job is basically making nanoelectronic devices, measuring their characteristics and trying to understand the underlying "Physics".

ENME489X - Introduction (V.Tsai)

What I want to gain from this course is to come to know how flexible macroelectronics are approached and researched. An increasing trend of "thin" applications poses new challenges in terms of low power usage and durability.

Daniel Min's picture

Daniel Min

My name is Daniel Min. I am a senior mechanical engineering student at the University of Maryland. I am currently enrolled in Dr. Teng Li's flexible macroelectronics course. I chose to enrol

Zhigang Suo's picture

Lecture 13 Crack bridging

G. Bao and Z. Suo," Remarks on crack-bridging concepts,"Applied Mechanics Review.45, 355-366 (1992).

Kurt Vargas

My name is Kurt Vargas. I am an international student from Costa Rica, currently attending the University of Maryland at College Park. I am a Christian who loves the Lord and serves Him full time. I also love reading my Bible!

adamlr's picture

Adam Rutherford

My name is Adam Rutherford and I am currently a senior mechanical engineering student at the University of Maryland. I am enrolled in Dr. Teng Li's class on flexible macroelectronics. I chose this course out of the selection of electives because I feel that flexible macroelectronics will have a large impact on the consumer electronics industry in the near future.

Josh Crone's picture

Josh Crone

My name is Josh Crone and I am an undergraduate student in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Maryland. I am in the BS/MS program with a focus in mechanics and materials. My current research interests are in atomic force microscopy.

Nathan_Vickey's picture


My name is Nathan and I am a Masters student in my second year at the University of Maryland, College Park studying mechanical engineering. I was born and raised in Erie, PA. For my undergraduate studies, I attended the University of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh, PA where I also studied mechanical engineering. When I am not engineering, I enjoy running, playing the piano, and following the stock market.

Dan Forrest's picture

Dan Forrest

我的名字是丹·福勒斯特,我目前生物测井ical resources engineering student at the University of Maryland. I am taking ENME489X: Flexible Macroelectronics to fulfill a degree requirement. However, I chose this specific class because the topic in general seemed interesting to me and appears to be an up and coming field in the electronics industry.

Anand_Pillarisetti's picture

Anand Pillarisetti

我的名字叫Anand Pillarisetti。我是一个研究生research assistant at University of Maryland, working towards my doctoral degree in mechanical engineering. I received Master of Science (MS) degree in mechanical engineering and mechanics from Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA and Bachelor of Technology (B-Tech) degree in mechanical engineering from National Institute of Technology (NIT), Warangal, India. I am currently enrolled in the course "Flexible Macroelectronics" taught by Dr. Teng Li at University of Maryland.

Hongbo Bi's picture

Hongo Bi

My name is Hongbo Bi and I am a Ph.D candidate in Mechanical Engineering under Dr. Bongtae Han at the University of Maryland, College Park. I recieved Master of Science (M.S.) degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Maryland, College Park and and Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) in Automatic Control from University of Science and Technology of China. I am currently entrolled into class of Flexible Macroelectronics (ENME808H) at the University of Maryland, which is taught by Prof. Teng Li.

Christianna Ryon

My name is Christi Ryon.I am a senior undergraduate mechanical engineering student at the University of Maryland, College Park.I am taking a course in flexible macroelectronics for two reasons.First, this course fulfils a major requirement.The second reason is that the subject of flexible macroelectronics is a new emerging technology that I was not familiar with but is a topic that I wished to learn more about.

Benjamin R. Marshall's picture

Benjamin R. Marshall

My name is Ben Marshall and I am an undergraduate mechanical engineering student at theUniversityofMaryland. I am currently enrolled into a flexible macroelectronics class at theUniversityofMaryland, taught by Dr. Teng Li. I gained interest in this class through a guess lecture Dr. Li gave in one of my classes. Flexible macroelectronics seems to be a growing area in electronics and I have always been interested in plasma and flat panel screen technology.

Farbod A. Farahani's picture

Farbod A. Farahani

Farbod was born on a rainy day. Long before his birth, fortunetellers predicted that a child would be born and make a significant change in the world in the future. Farbod was born on NOV 3, 1982. His dad taught him swimming at a very early age. At the age of 11, Farbod began his competitive swimming and joined different teams. He was one of the fastest state champions when he was 14. He has placed second and third in 4 x 100 meter freestyle. Farbod retired himself from swimming in high school to persue his ultimate goal as an enginner.


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