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Finding element number corresponding to Fastener in a set in Abaqus

I have a model in which I usedfastenersto find bolt forces. I createdfastenersets and requested output by changing Domain to "Fastener" and selecting the set that containsFasteners.
The problem now is, I'm not sure which force corresponds to particular bolt.

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Characteristic length in ductile damage model in ABAQUS

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Hi All,

I want to model a dogbone specimen made from polycarbonate.

I model it using linear elastic plasticity coupled with ductile damage model.

For the damage, we are going to use the tabular form to described the damage evolution d with respect to equivalent plastic strain epsilon_p.

In abaqus, it is written that we need to input the d with respect of equivalent plastic displacement (u_p) instead of epsilon_p via equation u_p = epsilon_p \times L; where L is the characteristic length.

Bone Remodeling Subroutine

Dear all,

Z-mat files in ABAQUS

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I am trying to figure out how to incorporate Z-mat files in ABAQUS to simulate complex constitutuve models of polymers. While I have worked with UMAT subroutines before Z-mat is something new. Can somebody explain why Z-mat is necessary and are there any differences between conventional UMAT/VUMAT and Z-mat files?



Do you know how to model fork support?


Do you think this is correctly modeled as fork support (picture)

minor axis bending- restrained, torsion - restrained , free to warp

Abaqus-Meshing Octagonal Part- Face Angle less than 45 degrees

I am modeling an octagonal foundation in Abaqus. The foundation is 3.1 m in height. By its geometry, foundation has got slopes with face angle less than 45 degrees. As a result, when I mesh my model, I get a warning which says that distorted elements have been detected. This is around 25% of total no of elements. How can I partition/seed, etc. to reduce the no of distorted elements? I cannot compromise on the geometry of foundation. Attached is the mesh photo and distorted elements are highlighted.

Lateral torsional buckling of I beams with restraint


I am looking to model buckling of I steel beams with restraint in abaqus. But I do not know how to make rigid connections between the steel members.

Why is the other beam( beam with fixed supports) not stressed? How do i define contact between the two beams.

qieasa's picture

[Help] How to define a variation of volume during a phase change in Abaqus?

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Dear friends,

I am a beginner in using Abaqus. Now I am doing a project which calls for a simulation of the phase change probleme (two demensional Stephan problem).

I did a simple simulation with water, more prescisely a water slab of 10 C at the left I impose a temperature -10 C, so I got the results of the profils of temperature in every increment of time.

dithoap's picture

Multi-processor mode of ABAQUS VIEWER


Hi Everyone,

I am making an 3D RVE model for fiber reinforced composite. approximately there are 62500 elements in the model and there are 200 frames in the odb files (the odb size is around 3gb). When I try to open the file, it took me a very long time (approximately one hour) just to display the model in ABAQUS viewer, and when swithcing from one frame to the next frame, it took some time around 10 mins. And it is very not conveient at all. Currently I am using NVIDIA Quadro 5000 for my graphics card.

How to model the boat sailing on the water surface with springs/ connectors?

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Hi, every body,

aminzami's picture

Why Abaqus give incorrect result in plane strain plasticity?!!

There is an incorrect result from Abaqus in plane strain plasticity simulation. In this short video, this result is shown.

It would be pleased if anybody have any idea aboutwhy thishappen ?!!

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bug on deactivate the crack propagation capability?

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Could anyone please help on how to deactivate the crack propagation capability?

Following section 10.7.1 in the User Guide of 6.13, the crack propagation capability can be deactivated in some step. But I tried it in a very simple example through CAE and input file, it does not work.

Particularly, the problems are

CutExtrude error Abaqus

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Hi all,

I'm trying to create a full-scale truss for a static loading simulation using Abaqus.
I wanted to use a Python script to do this, but I am not very experienced with this language or the Abaqus methods.

The members forming the truss are cee sections. However, at the ends of the cee sections I want to create an extruded cut

How to deform an existing mesh from CT measurements?

Hi all,

I would like to know if someone has a trick to deform a mesh generated in Abaqus thanks to Computer Tomography measurements ?

The file I received from CT is a .stl.

你知道一个开源软件,可以与计算机吗te deviations between point clouds?

Thanks in advance for your support :-D

Error jump of displacement in submodeling


Hi everyone,

I'm a PhD student in the first year.My PhD subject is to numerically study the low cycle fatigue (LCF) using the Abaqus software.Currently, I met a error in my simulation as below:

Enforcing tie constraint

Dear iMechanica users,

I have a problem which I would appreciate any input on how to solve. I have an indentation problem, in which I indent a cell with an enclosing membrane. Therefore, I create contact between the (rigid) indenter and membrane, and tie the membrane and intracellular solid elements together. The model is an axisymmetric model, with CAX3 and CAX4R making up the intracellular axisymmetric solid elements and SAX1 the axisymmetric membrane.

Modeling reinforced concrete in ABAQUS

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Hi everyone,

I am a master student working on my master thesis using ABAQUS. I am modeling an experiment, but the problem is that my results from ABAQUS do not agree with the experimental results. Can you help me to check if I have done any mistakes?

Problem in printing out the global stiffness matrix

Hi everyone,

我在有限元分析中使用联合环境。我的模型有一个4 node element (defined in UEL) fixed in one end. When I'm running the UEL, it's working without any problm. But when I' trying to print out the global stiffness matrix I'm getting this error: "aborted with system error code 1073740940".

This is the way that I'm trying to print it out:


Creating a path in python for Abaqus

Dear all,

I want to write a python script for ABAQUS in which I can define a path for post-processing purposes. Getting the nodes which lie on the path is easy because they all lie on one edge, so with


I get the list of nodes.

Now the problem:

Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian Model (CEL) in Abaqus/Explicit

Hi everyone;

I'm trying to simulate FSW plunge state using Abaqus/Explicit, Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian technique.

As you can see in the picture, NT11, PEV and EVF are calculated. But the problem is that the elements in base metal are not deformed. In other words, the base metal elements which are in contact with PIN remained intact and are not deformed.

Anyone could help me with this?

Beam Elements, UEL, ABAQUS, Rotation

Hi everyone,

I'm working on UEL and studying wave propagation in beam. I have a special purpose beam element defined in UEL which has four nodes. When the beam is horizontal and a vertical load is being applied, it's working perfectly:

1, 0., 0., 0.
2, 0, 0.25, 0.
3, 0., 0., 0.
4, 0., 0.25, 0.

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strain/stress in local material coordinates

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We are doing simulations of simple bilayer composites which undergo extensive buckling and post-buckling instabilities. The simulation is being done with ABAQUS explicit to capture the highly non-linear geometries. Everything works very well, however to compare with our analytical theory we need the Green strain at each element. ABAQUS for solid elements gives only the NE or LE which is projected onto the global coordinate system.

Global Stiffness Matrix-UEL

Hi everyone,

我在联合环境工作。我可以得到刚度后来x from fortran to be printed in .msg file.How can I print the global stiffness matrix of the model by using ABAQUS. My model is not big or complicated, so the global stiffness matrix shouldn't be too big!

abaqus repeated loading

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anyone please help to provide repeated load of 100kN for 5000 repeatitions. each time the load remains there for .3second. time gap between two load application is 1 second.


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