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Markus J. Buehler's picture

MIT Faculty Positions in Civil & Environmental Engineering


The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering invites applications for several tenure-track faculty positions to begin July 2015 or thereafter. Appointments will be at the assistant or untenured associate professor level. In special cases, a senior faculty appointment may be possible. We will consider exceptional candidates in a range of areas, broadly defined. Further information about the department can be found atthis page.

Mike Ciavarella's picture

Google launches HealthMap and PlosMedicine article -- When a mechanics web-based project?

These type of projects are interesting, when a mechanics-based one?

An example of web-based projects

Summary Points

Valuable information about infectioous
diseases is found in Web-accessible
information sources such as discussion
forums, mailing lists, government Web
sites, and news outlets.

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