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Mechanics of Materials: Textbook Recommendation

vicky.nguyen's picture

I will be teaching a sophomore level class mechanics of materials class. The class will cover mechanics of basic strength of materials (e.g. beams, pressure vessels), but I also want to teach basic elements of failure mechanics (fracture, fatigue, plasticity, and wear.) I'm looking for a recommendation of an undergrad mechanics textbook that covers the fracture, fatigue, plasticity, and wear. The students will have had a statics and mechanics class and their textbook already covers strength of materials. Thanks.


Shailendra's picture

Hi Vicky,

For teaching elements of fracture, failure, plasticity (and possibly, wear) a good book would be "Mechanical Behavior of Materials"by Meyers and Chawla (Cambridge Press).

The other book would be "Solid Mechanics" by William Hosford(Cambridge Press).

~ Shailendra

Ettore Barbieri's picture

Dear Vicky,

I would recommend "Mechanics of solid materials byLemaître and Chaboche.

It's a classic textbook, very descriptive, without neglecting elements of continuum mechanics. It treats plasticity, damage mechanics and fracture mechanics in the conclusive chapters, and in a very accessible manner.


cae_sachin's picture

If you have this book in soft copy format please can you post it here.

Mechanics of solid materials

Jean Lemaître;Jean-Louis Chaboche

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