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Lecture 6 Channel cracks in thin films

Zhigang Suo's picture
  • Various cracks in thin films under tensile or compressive stresses
  • Micrographs of cracks in thin films
  • A micrograph of a channel crack
  • The origin of stress in a film
  • Stress in a thin film due to mismatch in the coefficients of thermal expansion
  • Stress in film due to bending
  • Measure redisual stress using wafer curvature
  • Channel crack: initiation vs. steady propagation
  • Steady-state energy release rate of a channel crack
  • Channel crack in patterned structure
  • Fracture mechanics as a division of labor
  • Small structures: a new economy
  • Moisture-assisted crack growth
  • 给我一个方法asure G. G-meter
  • Measure crack driving force due to residual stress field
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