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Finit elemente methode

I'm using the finite element method to solve flow problem and I need help to get initiated to the use of Lagrange multipliers for the introduction of a boundary condition.

If you can guide me through my first steps.

Thank you in advance



i am an ansys user . i am facing difficulty in importing final stresses result of previous analysis into a new analysis. i mean to say how can i use final stress of one analysis as an initial stress of the other. how ansys can read the results of previous done analysis specially in stresses .

this can be more understood by a problem.

suppose i analyse thermaly a butt weld joint.

now i analyse it structuraly n import those thermal loads by importing .rth file from the previous analysis.

now stress are generated in the weld.

now i want to apply loads on the weld.

again i started and now i want that ansys to read that very result file obtained from structural analysis as the initial stress in the body .

or u can say i want to apply the reaction stresses that generated due to thermal loads along with the new ansys can read this reaction stresses.

can anyone help me on this aspect ....or suggest some new options...

with regards, Ashutosh Anand (

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