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Simpleware case study: 3D FE Model of the Diabetic Neuropathic Foot

Diabetic foot represents a complication of diabetes that can lead to foot ulcers and other serious conditions. 3D Finite Element (FE) analysis enables dynamic characterisation of different loads within the foot.

This study developed a subject-specific 3D FE model of a diabetic neuropathic and a healthy subject’s foot from MRI data. Experimental analysis of the biomechanics of the foot was combined with FE simulations of foot models generated in Simpleware software.

Subject-specific kinematics and kinetics data acquired during gait analysis were used in the simulations. The results obtained from the experimental and simulated studies can help researchers to better understand the aetiology of the diabetic foot.

(Thanks to: University of Padova (Departments of Information Engineering & Clinical Medicine and Metabolic Disease): A. Guiotto • Z. Sawacha • A. Scarton • G. Guarneri • A. Avogaro • C. Cobelli)

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