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PhD Robust Optimization Viscoelastic Sandwiches

Hamdaoui's picture

Visco-elastic structures are widely employedfor vibration damping.Nowadays, optimal design of these structures has become commonplace. However, operating conditions introduce variability in their performances. Taking into account this variability in the optimization loop is necessary to obtain optimal robust solutions. Recently, within an exploratory project, supported by CNRS, the modal stability method (MSP) has been applied with success to quantify variability of damping and natural frequency of frequency dependent viscoelastic sandwich structures. The objective of this PhD thesis is double. In a first step, MSP shall be extended to more complex structures (orthotropic and composite). In a second step, optimal design under uncertainty of the damping performances of these structures shall be realized. The industrial application should concern a windshield. The obtained results shall allow to perform optimal robust design of frequency dependent strucures viscoelastic. The PhD will be held in LeM3 in Metz in the Computational Mechanics team. If you are interested you should send CV + Marks

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