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2023 IMECE student travel award competition

The Applied Mechanics Executive Committee (AMD-EC) is pleased to announce the2023 IMECE student travel award competition, which is sponsored by the Haythornthwaite Foundation*.

学生可以self-nominate森和要求d a brief one-page CV, a recommendation letter from the student’s Faculty Advisor or Department Chair, the abstract of a paper accepted for presentation at IMECE in Track 12, and a draft presentation. Please note that, at the time of the award presentation, the applicant must be enrolled full-time in a degree program at a US institution. A Faculty Advisor may not endorse more than one student. The nominations will be reviewed by the AMD-EC.Ten studentswill be selected for travel grants of $1000 each.


Sept 15, 2023:Submit the nomination, by e-mail, to ProfessorsMarco Amabili<> andKenji Takizawa<>. The nomination should include: (a) CV of the applicant (one page); (b) Title and abstract of a paper accepted for presentation in Track 12 at IMECE 2023; (c) Recommendation letter from the Faculty Advisor or Department Chair.

Sept 30, 2023:Travel awards will be announced to the winners.

November 2023:Travel award winners will be acknowledged at the AMD Awards Banquet at IMECE 2023.

*The Robert M. and Mary Haythornthwaite Foundation supports scientific research in the field of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Robert Haythornthwaite was a founder and first President of the American Academy of Mechanics.

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