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Modeling, simulation and data analysis for Covid-19 epidemic

米arco.paggi's picture

Online symposium organized by the Young Academy of Europe on models and simulation for Covid-19 epidemic, including data analysis, on April 22 from 4 to 6 pm (CEST).

Free attendance upon registration.

See the link below for more info about speakers, abstracts, timetable and registration:

150 people have already made the registration


米arco.paggi's picture

Thefull video of the symposiumis now online on YouTube, see:

The talk by Prof. Dr. Ing. Marco Paggi, full professor at the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca and co-founder of the spin-offTREE-TOWER S.R.L., is available at the minute 1:07:00 and it focuses on a machine learning approach to test epidemiological SIR models and assess the reliability of their forecasts.

bqtinh's picture

it sounds great Marco! It was too late for me to get this information.

米arco.paggi's picture

Based on the machine learning approach presented in the above webinar, an article entitled "An Analysis of the Italian Lockdown in Retrospective Using Particle Swarm Optimization Applied to an Epidemiological Model" by Marco Paggi has been published in Physics as part of the Special Issue "Physics Methods in Coronavirus Pandemic Analysis" , and is available online:


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