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Zhigang Suo's blog

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Friends of Extreme Mechanics Letters


When I traveled in China in June, I was once again irritated by the Internet. It was often slow and broken. Many important services are inaccessible, blocked by someone. Why would someone do that?

But I found my Chinese colleagues extremely well interconnected. Everyone has a cell phone. They actually use their cell phones!

Zhigang Suo's picture

Fossil-fueled civilization

I'll be teaching an undergraduate course on engineering thermodynamics. We will use thetextbook by Cengel and Boles. I will supplement the textbook usingmy own notes on thermodynamics.

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Extreme Mechanics Letters


The initial issues of Extreme Mechanics Letters arefreely accessible. We look forward to receiving your submissions. Your contribution will help to build this home of mechanicians.


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Speech at the 2015 Commencement of Xian Jiaotong University








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A state of stress is a linear map

A state of stress in a body. Components of stress. Subject to a load, a body develops internal forces. The distribution of the internal forces in the body is usually inhomogeneous. For example, when a rod is bent, part of the rod is in tension, and the other part of the rod is in compression.

If the internal forces are uniformly distributed in the body, the body is said to be in a homogeneous state of stress. For brevity, we often say a state of stress, or just stress.

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What is Extreme Mechanics?


This question wasraised repeatedlywhen the journal Extreme Mechanics Letters was getting ready to launch. The editorial board did put togetherthe aim and scope. But the journal has its own life. Once launched, it has been shaped by the community.

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The attached notes are written for acourse on plasticity. When I update the notes, I will post a link on my twitter account:

Rheology is the science of deformation. This science poses a question for every material: Given a history of stress, how do we predict the history of strain, or the other way around?

Zhigang Suo's picture


The attached notes are written for acourse on plasticity. When I update the notes, I will post a link on my twitter account:

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Rigid-plastic flow

The attached notes are written for acourse on plasticity. When I update the notes, I will post a link on my twitter account:

Zhigang Suo's picture

Updated notes on nonlinear viscosity

I have just updatedmy notes on nonlinear viscosity. The notes are written for acourse on plasticity. When I update the notes, I will post a link on my twitter account:

Zhigang Suo's picture

Nonlinear viscosity

The attached notes are written for acourse on plasticity. When I update the posts, I will write a note on my twitter account:

Zhigang Suo's picture

Mechanics of supercooled liquids

In a pure liquid, molecules touch one another but change neighbors frequently. External forces cause the liquid to change shape by viscous flow. Thermal agitation causes molecules to undergo self-diffusion. The two phenomena--viscous flow and self-diffusion--often result from a single rate-limiting process: molecules change neighbors. This simple picture is amply confirmed by the Stokes-Einstein relation, which links the viscosity and self-diffusivity for many liquids over wide ranges of temperature.

Zhigang Suo's picture


The attached notes are written for acourse on plasticity. I will update new posts on my twitter account:

Zhigang Suo's picture

Strain hardening

The attached notes are written for acourse on plasticity. I will update new posts on my twitter account: Rheology is the science of deformation. This science poses a question for every material: given a history of stress, how do we find the history of strain?

Zhigang Suo's picture

Perfect Plasticity

These notes are writen for part of acourse on plasticity.

Zhigang Suo's picture

Stress-strain curve of a metal

These notes are part of acourse on plasticity.

Zhigang Suo's picture


I am teaching this course this semester. I'll post notes as I write them. Links to the notes are listed in this post. I will also notify updates on twitter:

Zhigang Suo's picture

Basic Equations in Fluid Mechanics

I wrote these notes as a background for teaching elasticity and plasticity. Even in this most basic formulation, the dilation of the fluid is viscoelastic.

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Fundamental discoveries in mechanics in recent decade or so

A previous post, Getting Ready for Extreme Mechanics Letters, contained the following paragraph:

“We seek papers from researchers in all disciplines. Mechanics appeals to talents of all kinds. Good mechanics has long been created by people from many fields, by Galileo, Newton, Maxwell and Faraday, as well as by Watt, Darwin, Wright brothers and Whitesides. People make discoveries in mechanics often when doing something else (e.g., in seeking evidence for the existence of God, in building cathedrals, in flying airplanes, in laying transatlantic telegraph cables, in fabricating microprocessors, in watching cells move, in fracking for gas, in inventing optical tweezers, in creating soft lithography, in developing wearable or implantable electronics). Mechanics discovered in one field invariably finds applications in other fields.”

Here I would like to give several examples of papers published in recent decade or so. I will link each paper to its citations on Google Scholar, so that you can have an overview of the influence of the paper on other researchers.

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What do we want EML to be? How do we get there?


Starting a new journal is risky. Starting a new journal in mechanics is particularly risky. The responses to the two recent posts are encouraging, however.

Zhigang Suo's picture

Getting ready for Extreme Mechanics Letters


我们正在推出一个新的杂志,极端的力学Letters. EML will publish letter-sized papers. We aim to achieve rapid communication. Our goal is to have the accepted papers published within 6-8 weeks upon submission. We aim to build a home at the frontier of engineering, medicine, science and entertainment, where advances are rapid and mechanics matters. We seek papers from researchers in all disciplines.

We will start to review submissions on 1 October 2014, and publish first papers by 1 December 2014. The beginning issues will be freely accessible online, and printed copies will be distributed at conferences.

We love to publish your extremely new ideas on extremely useful and extremely interesting mechanics. Please submit your papers soon.

Zhigang Suo's picture

Bioinspiration and biointegration

The nervous system has long been an inspiration for the engineer. Here is an example in a populartextbook on neuroscience. When a person steps on a nail, the sensor in his foot sends a signal to his brain, the brain sends a signal to his muscle, and he lifts his foot. The example illustrates the sensor, actuator and processor in the nervous system.

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Elastic strain engineering for unprecedented materials properties

Ju Li, Zhiwei Shan and Evan Ma have edited theFebruary 2014 issue of the MRS Bulletindevoted to the effects of elastic strains on solid-state devices.

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Harvard Seeks Senior Lecturer in Applied Mathematics


The Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences seeks applicants for the position of Senior Lecturer in Applied Mathematics, with an expected start date of July 1, 2014. This position will be for five years and may be renewed. Deadlin for application is 15 March 2014.See further information. See also a position forApplied Math Fellows.


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