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mokarram76's blog

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Numerics of growth-induced deformations

Dear iMechanicians,

Growth-induced deformation or morphoelasticity is an interesting phenomenon ranging from living tissues to biological plants in nature. We recently publish a paper in JMPS that solves some challenging boundary value problems by addressing few key issues in computational morphoelasticity. It might be interesting for you.

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3D printed Polyurethane : Viscoelastic experimental characterization and computational modelling

Digital Light Synthesis (DLS) technology creates ample opportunities for making 3D printed soft polymers for a wide range of grades and properties. In DLS, a 3D printer uses a continuous building technique in which the curing process is activated by an ultra-violet (UV) light. In this contribution, EUP40, a recently invented commercially available elastomeric polyurethane (EPU) printed by the DLS technology, is experimentally characterized.

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3D Printed Silicone Polymer : Thermo-viscoelastic experimental characterization and computational modelling

A comprehensive thermo-mechanical experimental study and subsequent constitutive modelling will facilitate in designing and simulating more complex cellular metamaterials using 3D printed silicones

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EPSRC Funded PhD position for 4 years @ Swansea University, UK


I am looking for a good PhD student in the area ofmaterials science/polymer science/computational engineering/mechanical engineering. The position is fully funded by EPSRC and ORE Catapult for 4 years.

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Ecoflex polymer : Comprehensive experimental study and constitutive modelling

We have published two papers on Ecoflex, a popular silicone polymer in recent days. The polymer is largely temperature- and strain rate-insensitive. It comes up with several Shore Hardnesses. We characterize five Shores and develop a novel Shore-dependent modelling framework

Mechanics of Materials >>

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Fully funded PhD position in Bio-mechanics, Swansea, UK



We are looking for a good PhD student in the field of:Bio-mechanics/Computational Engineering/Computational Mecahnics/Material Engineering/Bio-medical Engineering.It is a fully funded PhD scholarship for UK/EU citizens only.

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Fully funded PhD position in Swansea University, UK


PhD Scholarship in the field of: Mechanical Engineering/Computational Engineering/Polymer Sciences/Material Engineering/Material Sciences.It is a fully funded PhD scholarship for UK/EU citizens only.

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my recent publications in curing modeling


I am working on the modeling of curing process of polymer

we may like to take a look on my recent publications:

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