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3D Printed Silicone Polymer : Thermo-viscoelastic experimental characterization and computational modelling

mokarram76's picture

In this contribution, a DLS-based digitally printed silicone (SIL30) is experimentally characterized. To understand polymer's temperature-dependent mechanical responses, an extensive thermo-viscoelastic experimental characterisation at various strain rates under tensile deformation and temperature fields from -20 °C to 60 °C is performed. Motivated by the thermo-mechanical results of the polymer, a thermodynamically consistent constitutive model at large strain is devised. Afterwards, the model is calibrated to the data that results in the identification of relevant parameters. 3D printed soft polymers are major candidates in designing complex and intricate architectured metamaterials for biomedical applications. Hence, a comprehensive thermo-mechanical experimental study and subsequent constitutive modelling will facilitate in designing and simulating more complex cellular metamaterials using 3D printed silicones.

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