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博士位置;开放;计算固体机甲nics; fracture mechanics

jeonghoonsong's picture

Ph.D. position in Computational Solid/Structural Mechanics at the University of South Carolina


We are currently looking for a graduate reserarch assistant (Ph.D. applicant) in the area of Computational Solid/Structural Mechanics. Ph.D. applicants with a M.S. degree in the area of structural engineering or solid mechanics will be preferred. Experiences of developing Fortran (or C++) code will be a strong plus.

If you are interested, please e-mail your CV to jhsong(at)cec(dot)sc(dot)edu

jeonghoonsong's picture

Multiple Ph.D. positions in the area of Computational Solid Mechanics


Multiple Ph.D. positions are available in the area of Computational Solid Mechanics in the Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of South Carolina. These positions will begin in August 2011, and fully cover university tuition and stipend.

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