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continuum mechanics

Recruiting PhD students for Cell Mechanics Lab at Rensselaer


Full support is available for 2 PhD students in cellular mechanics group in Biomedical Engineering Department at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

The applicants should have mechanics, materials or soft matter physics background, with some experimental experience at micro-scales. Experience with any of the following is considered a
plus: computational mechanics, cell/tissue culture, microscopy, image analysis, photonics.

MD simulation VS. Continuum mechanical model Of protein

Hi, all

Molecular dynamics (or MC) is a powerful tool in the protein research. There're lots of scientific works in this field, which deepen our understanding gradually. My question follows, "how about the continuum mechaics in protein research".

Any discussions and advices are appreciated.

Kong 5th Sep 2007

Derivatives of the invariants of a tensor

When you first start learning finite deformation plasticity, you will run into a plastic flow rate$ \ensuremath{\boldsymbol{d}}_p$that can be derived from a flow potential$ \phi$such that

Henry Tan's picture

an interesting puzzle: multiscale mechanics

an interesting puzzle for fun:

Lame’s classical solution for an elastic 2D plate, with a hole of radiusaand uniform tensile stress applied at the far field, gives a stress concentration factor (SCF) of two at the edge of the hole. This SCF=2 is independent of the hole radius.

Consider what happened to this concentration factor if the radiusaapproaches infinitely small. The SCF is independent ofa, so it remains equal to two even when the hole disappears.

Zhigang Suo's picture


In continuum mechanics, it is a common practice to view a body as a field of material particles, so that the continuum mechanics is phrased as an algorithm to determine the function x(X, t), where X is the name of a particle, and x is the place of the particle at time t.

Zhigang Suo's picture

Flip test: imagine continuum mechanics as a revolutionary idea

Let's say the world has only e-books, then someone introduces this technology called 'paper.' It's cheap, portable, lasts essentially forever, and requires no batteries. You can't write over it once it's been written on, but you buy moreverycheaply. Wouldn't that technology come to dominate the market?


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