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Using XFEM with Implicit Dynamic step in Abaqus


我have used XFEM in Abaqus for static analysis. I use traction-separation cohesive behavior with XFEM.

我想用XFEM隐式动态分析。我am using Abaqus version 6.12. As far as I know xfem was allowed only with static analysis in earlier Abaqus versions (6.9). I read that the newer versions have implicit dynamic analysis compatiblity with XFEM.

XFEM Crack Growth Across Bi-material Interface

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我am using XFEM in ABAQUS to simulate crack growth from one material to another. Although the crack passes through the interface, the simulation stops after crack growth of few more elements with this error:


This element is the one right next to the crack front.

我have tried to increase the damage initiation tolerance > 0.5 and the crack grows one more element and then same error.

XFEM Stress Intensity Factor

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Hi All

我am trying to obtain SIF value for a stationary crack using XFEM in Abaqus.

我am using the 5th contour value and plotting against distance from crack front using excel.
The values are from History Output.

我am getting a very funny graph that is going up and down.

XFEM in Abaqus


我am new to modelling and am trying to model a plate with a middle crack using Abaqus.

What is the difference between modelling a cohesive and LEFM crack growth (I know cohesive involves plasticity and the traction/displacement curve and LEFM is for brittle materials).

For cohesive, I used max principal stress for damage criteria and damage evolution based on energy criteria.

a question about XFEM

Hellow everyone,

我've been studying XFEM method in Abaqus these days, then i want to model an inclusion problem to see the crack initiation and propagation at the interface. First i sketch a square to stand for a unit cell, then in order to assign different sections to inclusion and matrix, i cut a circle (circular inclusion) from the initial square. But when it comes to meshing, i don't know how to mesh the instance with structral quad elements independantly of the outline of the inclusion. Could anyone help me?

XFEM Location of Crack Tip

我n using Abaqus 6.12 XFEM software is there a field output request that can be specified to track the location of the crack tip as a crack grows through time?

Abaqus cohesive elements/cohesive surface

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For my
graduation project I’m working on a model to describe cracking behavior. For
this model I want to model a fibre-epoxy interface, see the attached figure 1
(due to symmetry only a quarter is modeled). The fibre part is modeled with
lineair elastic material. The epoxy part is modeled with CPS4 elements, with
elastic behavior and MAXPS damage (damaged evolution included). The connection
between the fibre and epoxy interface can be modeled with both a cohesive
surface and cohesive elements. However

XFEM, Damage Evaluation

Dear Colleague

我am modelling a 2D three point bending to analysis the crack propagation , i have a question in the part of damage evaluation, does anybody know what is different between, B.K , power law and mod.independent? means when we select one of them. Thanks

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PhD studentship

A new opening for PhD studies has come out at University of Sheffield:

Computational Mechanics of Fracture on Advanced Composite Aerospace Structures using XFEM

For further details click on

or email

Post-Fracture behavior XFEM

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For my
graduation project I need to model the cracking behavior of a concrete beam in
bending (To simulate delamination of Steel Reinforced Polymer).

However I’m
relative new to FEM, I’m using Abaqus 6.10 (and have 6.11 available).

To get used
to the modeling of cracking behavior I started with a simple example, as described


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i am using XFEM in a 2D analysis (plate under uniaxial tension) and would like to get the SIFs at different crack lengths to compare with published data for verification before i start performing crack propogation analyses.

My problem is, history outputs are not available for crack growth in XFEM only static cracks (at least from what i read).

我deally, i would love to get the SIFs as they change through the crack propagation.

Anyone have any ideas on this?

Thanks in advance.

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please help me on selection of enrichment function for modeling of hole
in XFEM and how to added the additional degree of freedom to the
enrichment nodes and also on implementation of XFEM please help me

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Extended Finite element method.

please help me on selection of enrichment function for modeling of hole in XFEM and how to added the additional degree of freedom to the enrichment nodes and also on implementation of XFEM please help me

Thanks in advance

jagdeepnain's picture

Extended Finite element method.

please help me on selection of enrichment function for modeling of hole in XFEM and how to added the additional degree of freedom to the enrichment nodes and also on implementation of XFEM please help me

Thanks in advance

How to update solution-dependat variable (SVARS) during iterations

Hello everyone,

我am implementing a uel user subroutine in ABAQUS. This uel is for modeling contact in X-FEM framework. Thus, it's a nonlinear problem and I need to store some solution dependent variables during each iteration. I know I can store SDVs in SVARS. But this vector will update at the end of each step, and not during iterations. Anybody knows about this problem?

我really appreciate if anybody can help me with this.



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Post-Doc position in the area of Computational Mechanics, Institute of Structural Mechanics, Bauhaus Uni. Weimar

We are looking for a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the area of Computational Mechanics. The position is available within the Institute of Structural Mechanics, chair of Computational Mechanics at the Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany. The key research areas of the chair of Computational Mechanics are Multiscale Modeling of Materials and Isogeometric Analysis.


Hi everybody,

我am anurag working on damage mechanics of 2x2 twill woven composite, i will conduct the carbon/epoxy laminates under various regimes of service loas (quasi static loading, low velocity impact, fatugue, post impact) and will also model crack propogation of the same using XFEM.I have studied FEM at graduate level.

我nitially i will calculate mechanical properties of woven composite using unit cell method by applying homogenization process.

Combining UMAT with XFEM

Hi all,
我'd like to ask whether anyone has applied XFEM for a user-material (UMAT). What is the process to do that? Could anyone provide some advice, documentation or guidelines?

All the best,


p.s. I 've heard that a UEL code is needed to couple XFEM with UMAT.

SES 2011 XFEM Mini-symposium

Dear Colleagues,

我would like to invite you to submit an abstract to the XFEM session of the
SES 2011 Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Scienceswhich will be held this October 12-14, 2011, at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.

The mini-symposium is seeking abstracts in the area(s) of enriched finite element methods, the extended finite element method and other related numerical methods. We welcome fundamental and applied abstracts relevant to this area.

xfem question

我would appreciate it if you could tell me the analytical soluton of strain energy of infinite plate with an inclined central crack under tension.

Thanks so much.


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